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CHCPRP001 Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships Assessment

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Added on: 2023-02-06 05:22:49
Order Code: CLT315156
Question Task Id: 0

Activity 1A


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to evaluate the ways in which individual and organisation performance may be improved through collaboration and identify and prioritise organisation and individual needs.


  1. Explain a scenario in the past when collaboration could have improved your work performance. What happened and how would collaboration have improved it?
  2. What potential networking needs may you identify? Use workplace examples where possible.

Activity 1B


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to identify gaps in networks and collaborative practice and identify required action to fill the gap.


What networks are relevant to your work role, organisation’s priorities and target groups?

Activity 2A


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to gather and review information about relevant services, organisations and key people.


  1. Use relevant resources to gather information about services, organisations or people you could network with. (Resources include websites, word of mouth and company information.)
  2. Review the information to identify which you will follow up with and why.

Activity 2B


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to pro-actively initiate relationships with other inter and intra sectoral professionals and organisations.


  1. How can you contribute appropriately to networks following principles?
  2. What should you be aware of when communicating with network participants?
  3. How can knowing the above inform communication within the network?

Activity 2C


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to share information and resources, where possible, with other organisations to overcome duplication in service delivery.


Why should you share information/resources to prevent duplication?

Activity 2D


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to maintain currency and accessibility of information.


Explain how you would ensure your information is up to date.

Activity 2E


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to define and document the type and level of collaboration, and negotiate with the relevant people.


  1. What different types of collaboration may you take part in?
  2. Record a collaboration including the methods you used to collaborate with.

Activity 3A


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to identify opportunities that meet client, personal and organisation goals.


What should you know to in order to identify opportunities in your area of work?

Activity 3B


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to plan and implement integrated projects and service delivery.


  1. How can Gantt charts help to plan a project?
  2. Give an example of when you have experienced difficulties working on a collaborative project in the past. How did you solve or attempt to overcome it?

Activity 3C


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to liaise with staff from relevant organisations on a formal and informal basis.


What is the difference between formal and informal meetings?

Activity 4A


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to promote a positive image of the organisation at available opportunities.


Describe how you would act and present yourself when meeting a contact for the first time.

Activity 4B


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to communicate issues, policies and practices of the organisation in appropriate formats.


What should you do if a proposed collaboration project conflicts with your organisation’s issues, policies and practices?

Activity 4C


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to implement confidentiality measures that protects clients, organisation and network.


What factors can ensure confidentiality?

Activity 5A


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to maintain networks and other work relationships to provide identifiable benefits for clients and the organisation and improve and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships.


  1. How can record keeping help to maintain and improve relationships?
  2. Name ways that you can use to maintain relationships.
  3. When should you refer a client?

Activity 5B


To provide you with an opportunity to understand how to monitor benefits to worker, organisation and client group in ongoing participation and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of collaborations and make recommendations for action.


  1. Why should you monitor the benefits provided by ongoing collaboration?
  2. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a past collaboration. Make a recommendation of how you would have improved it.

Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.

The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:

  • Legal and ethical considerations for collaborative practice
  • Principles of networking and collaboration
  • Different types of networks and collaboration
  • Benefits of networking and collaboration
  • Values, limitations and dynamics of networks and collaborative partnerships
  • Industry structure and interrelationships between different organisations
  • Established networks in relevant area of work

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.

  1. What are the legal and ethical considerations for collaborative practice?
  2. Describe the principles of networking and collaboration.
  3. Give three examples of different types of networks and collaboration.
  4. What are the benefits of networking and collaboration?
  5. Give two limitations of networks and collaborative partnerships.
  6. Give an overview your industry structure and the interrelationships between at least two different organisations.
  7. Describe an established network in your area of work and provide the following information:
    • Structure
    • Key stakeholders
    • Vision and purpose
    • Opportunities for participation

Case Study

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for this unit.

his activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:

  • Developed strategies for networking and collaboration for at least 1 organisation
  • Worked collaboratively with external individuals or groups in at least 3 different service delivery situations

Case Study: Mariana Lopes

Lotus Compassionate Care is a service provider of individual support services. You can find out more about Lotus Compassionate Care by visiting their website linked below:

Lotus Compassionate Care

One of Lotus Compassionate Care’s newest residents in its Residential Care Unit is Mariana Lopes, an immigrant from the Dominican Republic who has only been living in Australia for a year. Six months ago, she was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, a disorder that causes widespread and chronic muscle pain, fatigue, sleep problems, and memory problems. This condition makes it difficult for her to move around at home and carry out her activities of daily living (ADLs), such as taking a shower and dressing up. Mrs. Lopes is a widow and lives with her only son, Anthony, who recently got divorced and is childless. She is left alone at home most of the day when Anthony is at work. Because of this, she decided to move into Lotus Compassionate Care three weeks ago to access their residential care services. 

Two weeks ago, Mrs. Lopes’ Fibromyalgia worsened due to the low winter temperatures, triggering increased pain in her legs and hips, as well as increased fatigue. She can barely get out of bed without the assistance of Laura, her individual support worker. According to Dr. James Campbell, Lotus Compassionate Care’s general practitioner, Mrs. Lopes’ condition—called Fibromyalgia flare—can last throughout the winter season, and she needs a high-level of assistance with her activities of daily living during this time. 

Also, Mrs. Lopes’ native language is Spanish, and she knows little English. This has caused her to feel loneliness and social isolation because this language issue prevents her from building good relationships with Laura and other residents of the facility. 

The problem is, although Lotus Compassionate Care has the capability and facilities to meet the needs of a client with Fibromyalgia, it no longer has access to:

  • professional interpreting and translating services, 
  • ethnic/multicultural organisations to source and employ bilingual staff who can address language issues and provide comfort and social support to clients who are non-native English speakers, and 
  • organisations that can provide language lessons and cultural awareness training for its staff so that they can better meet the needs of clients who are non-native English speakers.

Lotus Compassionate Care must immediately address these gaps in its networks and collaborative partnerships in line with its policies and practices which include:

  1. Anti-discrimination practices
  2. Code of Ethics for Residential Aged Care, particularly:
    • The right of individuals to be treated with respect.
    • The right of individuals to have their religious and cultural identity respected.
    • The right to an appropriate standard of care to meet individual needs.
    • The recognition that human beings are social beings with social needs.
  3. Code of Conduct, particularly:
    • Promote and protect client’s right about diversity and equity.
    • Provide person-centred care that considers the individual’s culture, religious, social, emotional, and physical needs. 
  4. Training and development for staff to achieve the organisation’s goals and objectives

Part 1: Identifying and Prioritising Organisation and Individual Needs

1. Based on the scenario, identify three (3) needs of Mrs. Lopes and list them in order of importance.

2. Identify three (3) needs of Lotus Compassionate Care that it must address to meet Mrs. Lopes’ needs and list them in the order of their importance.

3. Identify three (3) gaps in Lotus Compassionate Care’s networks and collaborations based on the scenario.

4. Naomi Finch, your supervisor, has assigned you to head a committee tasked to address the language issue in Mrs. Lopes’ case. One of your tasks as head of the committee is to come up with a strategic plan on how to address gaps in Lotus Compassionate Care’s networks and collaborations. 

To complete this task, fill out the Networking and Collaboration Plan Template provided on the next page. In filling the template:

  1. Identify two (2) gaps in Lotus Compassionate Care’s networks and collaborations
  2. Identify one (1) action plan to address each gap above
  3. Identify two (2) resources needed to address each gap
  4. Identify the person responsible for addressing the gap
  5. Determine time frames for implementing the action plan 

Part 2: Collaborating Through Email

  1. As head of the committee to address Mrs. Lopes’ language issue, you were tasked to search for organisations that Lotus Compassionate Care can partner with to provide language support to Mrs. Lopes and any other non-native English speaking clients that it may have. 

Research one (1) organisation that offers professional interpreting and translating services in your state/territory. Write an email to the key contact person of that organisation. Introduce yourself as a representative of Lotus Compassionate Care and indicate that you are seeking a collaborative partnership with them for your organisation. 

Part 3: Collaborating Through Memo

The collaboration between Lotus Compassionate Care and the organisation that provides professional interpreting and translating services has been finalised and will start next week. As head of the committee responsible for establishing this collaboration, it is your task to formally announce its launch to all relevant parties of the collaboration.

To complete this task, fill up the Lotus Compassionate Care Memo Template below. This memo will be distributed to all collaboration members, which includes the following:

  • the staff of Lotus Compassionate Care, and 
  • the staff of the organisation providing professional interpreting and translating services. 

Your memo should have the following information:

  1. a subject heading that clearly and concisely describes the memo’s content (e.g. New Professional Interpreting and Translating Services for Non-native English Speaking Clients); 
  2. Lotus Compassionate Care’s current lack of access to professional interpreting and translating services for non-native English speaking clients; 
  3. Lotus Compassionate Care’s policies and practices for caring for non-native English speaking clients; 

Part 4: Collaborating with external individuals or groups

  1. Describe other two examples of service delivery situations where you could have worked collaboratively with external individuals or groups in the above case study. Demonstrate your examples using different ways of collaboration.

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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : February 06th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 193

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