CHCYTH002 Work effectively with young people in the youth work context Assessment
- Subject Code :
Activity 1
Rachel is a 16 year old girl who presents at the youth service you are working at. Rachel asks for a bus ticket to get to an appointment as she thinks she might be pregnant. She discloses that she is an intravenous drug user and was kicked out of her accommodation by her boyfriend that afternoon following a violent incident between them. She has nowhere to sleep tonight. She has not been engaged in any kind of schooling for most of the year.
- How could you build rapport with this young woman? Provide at least five examples.
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- How could you make an assessment of Rachels needs?
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3 sentences. Maslows Prioritise.. |
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- List at least four needs that Rachel might have, and what a possible response to each of her needs might be.
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Activity 2
- Research and identify at least five of the government economic safety netsthat are available to young people.
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- Compare the social contextwhen you were 17 years of age to that of a current 17 year old.
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- Research or obtain a copy of the Young Offenders Act 1993 of South Australia or your jurisdictions equivalent legislation. Examine the section of the Act relating to family conference and detail what powers the family conference has.
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- Explain what CROC is and the impact of it being incorporated into federal law as part of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission
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Activity 3
- Research or contact a local service that engages in youth work practice and ask for a copy of one of their policies relating to young people. Detail how this policy influences the way work with young people is carried out.
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Research and find a policy of an organisation. |
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- What does government policy do for young people?
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- With regard to youth work, what can government policy support? Provide at least ten examples
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Activity 4
Explain how the historical and cultural constructs of youthand the changing context of young people have impacted on contemporary youth work.
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How has youth work changed over the years.. Contemporary NOW, today, latest practices etc.. More and bigger issues..more mental health issues / awareness among youth Technology assistance online. Social media |
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Activity 5
- Describe the youth context of centre-based care.
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- Research duty of care, which falls within the legal framework of youth work, and explain how it impacts you as a youth worker.
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- Identify at least five types of legislation that impact on the context of youth work.
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Activity 6
Tom is a young Aboriginal person living with his family in a remote community. Tom has AOD (alcohol and other drugs) issues. Mary is a young person living on the streets of urban Australia after running away from home. Research one of the following models or frameworks of youth work and explain how you might apply it when working with Tom and Mary:
- rights-based
- empowerment
- community development
- client-centred approaches
- strengths-based practice
- client self-determination
- education
- youth development theory
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Activity 7
- Research an area of the youth sector and report on it in 100200 words.
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- Research and briefly describe the youth services offered by a non-government organisation.
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Activity 8
- Give at least four examples of youth work practice values.
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- Research the core youth work practice value of social justice, and explain how supports and interventions can be young-person centred.
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- Describe an example of a practice framework that is applied by an organisation to maximise support for young people.
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- Provide an example of a short dialogue between a youth worker and a young person who lives on the streets and sometimes uses drugs. Use clear and reassuring communication relevant to the culture of the young person.
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Activity 9
- Research to provide at least five examples of how youth workers can demonstrate support for a young persons rights and safety, including access and equity.
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- Undertake research and briefly explain how you might respond to the risk of a young person harming themselves or others if they became verbally aggressive. Provide at least five examples.
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Activity 10
- Identify and reflect on your own values and experiences and explain how they might impact on your approaches to youth work.
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- Explain how you might deal with any discrepancies which arise between your own values and the values of the young people you might work with.
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Activity 11
- Conduct research to identify five organisation values. Explain the values as they would apply to youth workers.
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- Give an example of an intervention or support that might be appropriate for a young homeless person living on the streets who values independence.
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Question 1
Research and briefly outline the social, political, historical or economic context of youth work.
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Page 15-20. Social - Political - Historical - Economic - |
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Question 2
Source and summarise a youth organisations code of conduct, code of ethics or duty of care.
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Google an organisation source information and then put in own words.. |
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Question 3
Identify ten specialist support services and programs available to young people.
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Question 4
Describe five interventions that might be required if a young person is assessed as at risk.
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Question 5
Research and briefly report on the social and cultural context of working with young people
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Put in own words / experience Social metaverse, use of social media, woke, youth having more opportunities.. Cultural CHCDIV001 / CHCDIV002 Diversity units |
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Question 6
What might be the impact of a popular beliefsuch as the necessity of drinking alcohol at teenage parties to fit inon a young persons values, attitudes and behaviours?
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Being popular - acceptance Impact potentially having alcohol issues Dutch courage relying on alcohol for confidence Escape reality 4 sentences. |
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Question 7
Conduct research and explain how cultural principles impact on youth work policy.
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CHCDIV001 / CHCDIV002 remember back to these 2. Inclusiveness Cultural safety, awareness, competence Page 43 |
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Question 8
Identify the key processes for gathering advice and assistance where there are ethical or professional issues.
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Remember back to legal and ethical framework unit. 4 dot points / sentences.. |
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Question 9
What can be done to enhance sustainability and environmental responsibility in the workplace?
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6 dot points Provide training Guidelines on sustainability Research around sustainability practices in SA/Aust |
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Tony is a 17 year old young person living on the streets. He moved to Australia from Spain with his family five years ago. He is barely literate in English but speaks fluent Spanish. Tony left school two years ago after repeating Year 9 unsuccessfully. He has never held a steady job and has had several conflicts with the law. He is alternately charming and angry, and not sure what he wants from life. Julie is 15, a high school student, and several months pregnant. She wants help staying in school and staying healthy.
- What are five of the questions a case manager might ask Julie to assess her needs?
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- How might staff respond to the needs of Tony and Julie within the context of their experiences?
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- Research and comment on the rights and responsibilities of Tony and Julie and other young people.
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- Research, analyse and demonstrate an understanding of government (Commonwealth or State) youth policy in an area of youth work.
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- Explain how the historical and cultural constructs of youth and the changing context of young people might have impacted on Tonys situation of being unemployed.
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- Give three examples of youth work practices that might be applicable for Tony.
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- Describe the legal limitations around the disclosure of information when working with young people.
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- Explain how the empowerment model might be applied when working with Julie.
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- Identify and explain one of the challenges of the youth sector.
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- Explain how social justice (a core youth work practice value) ensures supports and interventions are young person-centred.
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- Explain the legislative requirements of mandatory reporting as a policy to maximise support for young persons.
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- Explain how the Anti-discrimination Act supports the young persons rights including access and equity of services.
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- How might Julies case manager match interventions and supports appropriate to Julies situation if Julie has strong values about the importance of gaining a secondary school education, and strong values regarding family which leads to a belief that she must keep and raise her child herself?
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