Citizenship and Communication Essay
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Select one of the speeches from the list provided, and analyse what it can tell usabout civic participation in Australia.
Your essay should cover the following:
- A brief profile of the speaker
- A brief explanation of the context of the speech: why was it made? Was it inresponse to a public debate?
- Identify the social group that is the focus of the speech, and provide somebackground information about this group, especially examining the factorsshaping their civic participation
- How was the speech received? What impact has it had? Do you think it willchange opportunities for civic participation in Australia? Why/why not?
Please cover these points while following an essay format, i.e. include an introduction,body and conclusion, and present arguments supported by evidence and scholarlysources.
You must include a minimum of five scholarly sources (i.e. academic journal articles andscholarly books). These may include the weekly readings, but you should also findothers relevant to your chosen speech.
Choose from the following:
- Pauline Hanson, speech to Parliament:
- Linda Burney, speech to Parliament:
- Ian MacFarlane:Ive changed my mind we picked the wrong day (pdf attached)
- Ruby Hamad: International Womens Day speech (pdf attached)
- Sally McManus, National Press Club speech: media/speeches-and-opinion/speech-by-actu-secretary-sally-mcmanus-at-the national-press-club
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