CIVL 3016 Building Superstructure Supplementary Report
- Subject Code :
Project selection
Students are to study a medium/large construction project with a focus on the structural system, members,and connections. You may select a project from the case study folders in view, or if you are employed at acontractor, you may like to report on the project that you are working on. If you are choosing your ownproject,itmustbe:
- Alow-risesteel-framedindustrial/warehouse/lightcommercialbuildingwherethestructuralsystemisa steel portal frame,or
- Multi-storey building consistingofaconventionalRC/prestressedconcreteframe,structuralsteelframe,mass timberstructure orahybrid/compositestructure,or
- Other structure asapprovedby the Subject
Typical domestic construction is not acceptable.
Progress Report 5%
Students are to submit a brief overview (approx. 4 pages - 600 words plus images) of their chosen structurewithfocuson Sections 1-2 fromthefinal report.Itshouldinclude:
- Location and basicinformationofthestructure selected
- Types of structuralcomponentsusedwith somespecificexamples
- At least10imagesofthe structure andmembers
- Plan for completionofthe Includingexpectedcompletiondates
Progressreportwill beassessedinvUWS asamarkoutof5.Projectinformationandphotoswill accountfor3marks,thecompletionplanwill receiveamarkoutof 2.
Note that the work submitted in the progress report will form the initial part of your final report. Any discussion written in your progress report may be used in your own final report without any concern for self-plagiarism.
Final Report (35%)
The final report submission should be approximately 2000 words. Tables, references, appendices, andcaptionsareallexcludedfromthewordcount.Thedocumentstructureinthereporttemplatewillguideyouonhowtosuccessfullywritethe report.A detailedrubricis given inthetable below.