Client's Psychiartic Case Study Assessment
Case study Jim Hankin: Jim Hankin is a 51- year-old man who comes to the emergency department complaining of shortness of breath. He has not seen a healthcare provider for many years. He has smoked for 38 years. He states he has always been slender but has had 15kg weight loss despite a normal appetite in the past few months. He admits to having a 'smokers cough' for the past 2-3 years, recently coughed up blood. He is married and the father of three adult children. Jim is thin, pale looking older then his stated years. Height 172cm, weight 61.2kg. Intermittently confused and anxious with rapid shallow respiration's. Vital signs: temp 39.2, Heart Rate 120, Respiratory Rate 36, O2 saturation 84%. Chest wall has reduced movment on right side; auscultation of left side reveals coarse crackles but clear with cough, right side has diminished breath sounds.
Diagnostic studies: AA
• Aterial Blood Gas (ABG)- ph 7.21, PaO2 58mmHg, PaCO2 82mmHg, HCO3 33 mEq/L
• Chest x-ray- consolidation of the right lung, escpecially in the base with possible mace in the area of right moodle.une.
1. Critically discuss the nursing management and priorities of care for the case study above (Jim Hankin). This question requires you to not only have an understand of the topic but to be able to apply your knowledge by analyse, evaluate and interpret relevant objective and subjective data associated with the patient's condition. In your response to this question you need to make sure you answer/include the following;
• Nursing management of case study.
• Priority decisions: based on the assessment data presented, what are the priorities of care? Are there any interprofessional issues that need addressing? What are the priority nursing interventions? Make sure you are clear what needs to be your priorities in order of importance (for example if the patient had an obstructed airway you wouldn't decide to document the assessment findings in the progress notes first before managing the airway).
• Infection control measures if necessary.
• Use the diagnostic results to help justify your priorities.
2. Discuss the pharmacological management for the pneumonia. In your discussion include; how the drug works, the adverse effects of the medication and normal
3. What health promotion strategies will you discuss with Jim and his family and provide a rationale for why?