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COIT20246 Networking and Cyber Security Assignment

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Added on: 2023-05-12 11:58:30
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Task 1. View Routing Table

Using PowerShell, view the routing table for the primary interface (network adapter) on your computer. For each row in the routing table, provide a simple description of how to read the row (see the notes in the Internetworking lecture slides for examples, e.g., the slide Viewing Routing Table with PowerShell). Include the table and description in your journal.

Task 2. IP Network Design

[Recommended: conduct this task in pairs. In your journal, give the name of your partner.]

As a graduate network engineer, you are tasked with building a small test network (which is physically separate from your employers real network). The network will be used for testing the performance and security of Internet applications and protocols your employer is developing. The requirements are:

  1. A switched Ethernet LAN with three computers.
  2. Another switched Ethernet LAN with two computers.
  3. The two switched Ethernet LANs connected together via a 1 Gb/s Ethernet point-to-point WAN link. 4. All three IP networks are using IPv4 with a /24 network mask.
  4. The equipment available is: 2 x 8-port Gigabit Ethernet switches; 2 x 2-port routers; 5 x PCs; multiple LAN cables.

Design the IP network, including:

a) Select IPv4 network addresses, and assign IP addresses to all devices/interfaces. Include a table listing all devices, interfaces and assigned IP. (You must use the last four digits of your student ID to be the first two decimal values on one LAN, and for the other LAN use your partners. Example student ID 12345678 gives IP 56.78.?.? and example student ID 12340506 gives IP 5.6.?.?. For the WAN and unknown values (e.g. ?) you can choose any appropriate IP).

b) Draw a network diagram showing all devices and links.

c) Draw the routing tables for each device. You can use a simplified routing table (similar to Internetworking lecture slides); you do not need to give all details as given by PowerShell. d) If a host on one LAN sent an ICMP packet (e.g. ping request) to a host on the other LAN, and that packet was captured at a router, then draw the packet ICMP/IP. Clearly indicate the addresses in the packet. What MAC addresses would be in the Ethernet frame of the packet? (You dont have to identify specific MAC addresses, but rather the MAC addresses of which devices/interfaces).

Task 3. IP Address Lookup

Use an online IP address lookup website, e.g., search for what is my IP address. How accurately does it identify you and your location? Try via two different networks, e.g., on-campus and home; or via home Internet and via mobile phone. Explain what is identified (e.g. your exact location? Your city? Your computer IP? Someone elses IP?).

Internetworking 1

COIT20246 Networking and Cyber Security

Optional: find a free (lite) IP geolocation database, download the CSV and explore, e.g. https://db-ip.com/db/download/ip-to-country-lite (no sign up), https://lite.ip2location.com/database/db1- ip-country (sign up required), https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geolite2-free-geolocation-data (sign up required).

Task 4. IP Addresses, VPNs and Contract Cheating

Some university students may use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to have their IP address appear to be in another country. For example, an international student in Australia may use a VPN to connect to their home country so they can access web services only accessible in their home country, e.g. their home country version of Netflix, rather than the Australian version of Netflix.

Some universities use the IP address that accesses the university learning management system upon assessment submission as one indicator of potential academic misconduct, especially contract cheating. For example, if an assessment submission to Moodle comes from an IP address geolocated outside of Australia, then the university may flag that submission as possible contract cheating, e.g. the student paid someone in another country to complete the assessment and submit on their behalf.

Considering the above, provide a short explanation of the following:

a) What are the reasons for and against bypassing geolocation (or geo-blocking) services with a VPN?

b) What are the reasons for and against a university using IP addresses to identify possible contract cheating?

c) What advice would you give future students regarding using a VPN while studying in Australia?

When giving the reasons, consider what could go wrong, what the benefits to the student/university/web service providers (e.g. Netflix) are, and any social or ethical issues.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 12th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 255

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