Company Diversity Award Presentation Assessment
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The Australian HR Institute (AHRI) is a professional organisation designed to be a guardian of professional excellence, provides a number of professional certificates and promotes sustainable business models. The AHRI also hosts the annual awards for excellence in Human Resources including the Workplace Diversity Awards. For this assessment, students will choose a company (the word ‘company’ is used here broadly and can stand for a company, a business or an institution) from the winners from the last three years of the Australian HR Institute (AHRI) diversity-related awards and produce a 5–7-minute video and accompanying Power Point presentation outlining and analysing the company's diversity-related strategies.
1. Company context and choice of a diversity group.
2. Details a minimum of two (2) specific initiatives
3. Analysis of the overall company's approach to their diversity category
LO1: Analyse the key features of emotional intelligence and cultural intelligence, as well as one’s own strengths and weaknesses in relation to EI / CI.
LO2: Apply the concepts of emotional and cultural intelligence to the modern workplace, and the implications for leadership, teams and for transforming organisational cultures.
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