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Covid-19 Pandemic in Nigeria Research Writing Assessment

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Added on: 2022-12-13 07:26:38
Order Code: 480762
Question Task Id: 0


AUTHOR: Ramlat Raheem


The extent of the impact of information in the world cannot be rated low. It is a general saying that information is power, and if you are not informed, you are deformed. This shows the extent to which groups, individuals, entities, organizations, etc., value information at their disposal. It is vital to note that information can stop a force.

However, information meaning differs from person to person and organizations. All spheres of life, including the health sector, also deal with information, hence the need for a proposal on theImpact of Information Dissemination by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) to Contain the Covid-19 Pandemic in Nigeria.The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control was established to respond to public health emergencies and enhance Nigerias response to epidemics by preventing, detecting, and controlling infectious diseases.


The outbreak of coronavirus disease in Nigeria began from the surge of the virus in the world, Wuhan in China to be precise. Almost all countries in the world felt the impact of this virus when it first broke out in 2019.

Despite the relatively low numbers reported, the rapidly escalating nature of its infectivity and the potential fatality of the disease make it a huge cause for public concern and worry. Studies have shown that such infectious diseases have the potential to cause widespread fear, apprehension, panic and anxiety among the general public.

Therefore, public health challenges of such magnitude will usually lead to critical questions, especially in countries with dysfunctional or weak health systems, for which Nigeria is not excluded from this class.

Research questions

  • Does the response provided by Nigerian stakeholders like the NCDC effectively match the ferocity of the pandemic?
  • How effective is the information being dished out during this outbreak?
  • Did the information get to the appropriate quarters?
  • Is the information responsible for the containment of the disease in Nigeria?


  • To know if the response provided by Nigerian stakeholders like the NCDC effectively matches the ferocity of the pandemic?
  • To know the effectiveness of the information being dished out during this outbreak?
  • To know if the information got to the appropriate quarters?
  • To know if the information is responsible for the containment of the disease in Nigeria?

Having briefly given insight into the topic and the objectives and problems of the article, it is essential to state that this research will be based on secondary research, online articles, and information gathered from the NCDC web page.

In conclusion, there is still an argument about the existence of covid-19 in Nigeria, without knowing the actual factor responsible for the reduction of the disease in the country. The articles primary purpose will focus on information dissemination by NCDC and the effectiveness of the information.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 13th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 224

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more