Create an Equity and Inclusion Toolbox.
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Equity and Inclusion Toolbox
Students will use their choice of expression/media (i.e., website, Padlet, Canva, Sway, etc.) to create an Equity and Inclusion Toolbox.
The ‘Toolbox’ will contain a minimum of 10 items of your choice including: lesson plans, artifacts, assessment tools, videos, professional learning resources and webinars, department of education resources, etc. which encompass and support diverse learners (i.e., varied abilities, identities, cultures, marginalized groups, etc.) and contribute to a UDL approach. Some areas of consideration might be:
- Treaty Education
- ANS Framework and resources
- ELLs
- Learning Disabilities
- Physical/medical disabilities
- Mental Health
- Well-being
- Math
- Literacy
Each item in your toolbox shall include:
- Brief statement of purpose (approx. 250 words)
- Application (embedded research to support ‘how’ the item is inclusive)
- References using APA 7
The ‘Toolbox’ will be creatively and efficiently organized according to a system preferred by the student, applicable to current and dynamic inclusive educators and when possible, contain locally connected resources that educators can apply to and have impact on their daily practice.