Cryptocurrency prediction in MATLAB Assessment
Analyze a time series of cryptocurrency data to predict the bull and bear markets. Thedataset consists of the same attribute as you often see in the stock prices, such as Open, Low,High,Close,etc.Here arethe followinginstructionson what Iwillbeaccomplishing:
- Conduct Markov Switching Model to predict the market Up and Down. Not only just a prediction, but I also need to find out which state the market will be in the next period. IneedthePythoncodingfor theMarkov switching
- Using the same dataset, I need to predict and forecast the next 10-15 days by applying theLSTMmodelinBesides,pleasewritetwo-threepagemathematicalbackgroundoftheLSTMmodel,includingtheformulas.
Pleasenotewritingthemathematicalbackground;pleaseuseproperin-textcitationandreference (APA style) at the end of your writing. Highly discouraged from using any AI languagetoolsforwriting.