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CHCDIS009 Facilitate ongoing skills development using aperson-centred approach Assignment

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Added on: 2022-12-14 05:12:41
Order Code: 481003
Question Task Id: 0
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  1. Explain how the following concepts a?ect how you help people develop their Give examples:
  • Current philosophies and theories of skills development for people with disabilities
  • Social model of disability
  • Medical model
  • Social devaluation
  • image enhancement
  • strengths-based perspective
  • active support
  • Local community education opportunities
  • Assessment processes
  • Relevant services and resources
  1. Harry is 62 years old with a mild cognitive impairment, severe arthritis and mobility problems. He has displayed verbal and aggressive behaviour in the past, when he feels hes not being listened to or his routine changes due to support workers not showing up or arriving late. He would like to remain in his own home, however has limited skills in daily living acitivties. He often forgets to take care of his personal care needs and has limited knowledge of preparing healthy meals, relying mainly on takeaways.

Explain how you would use the following assessment methods to assess the clients needs:

  • Formal skills assessment
  • Lifestyle planning tools
  • Observation checklists
  • Assessment tools speci?c to any given organisation (if you are working, you can use their tools)
  • Assessment tools speci?ed by a specialist
  1. Explain how you would document development needs in line with organisational protocols, expectations and requirements?
  1. Explain how you would identify skills development and maintenance opportunities, based upon the participants needs.
  1. Identify three (3) services that you cannot provide directly to participants, as they are outside your scope of practice. Who would you refer them to and what are the three main questions that you should consider when referring?
  1. Identify three di?erent barriers to communication that you could encounter in your current work For each identify variations of communication strategies that you could apply
  1. Think of a brief skills development plan to improve a hyperthetical participants skills. Write two versions of this plan one that is person centred and one that is
  1. Identify instances where you may need to consider the legal and ethical factors of working with people with a disability.
    • Consider the following:
    • Codes of conduct dignity of risk
    • Duty of care
    • Human rights
    • Restrictive practices
    • Work health and safety
    • Process for recording and documenting information
  1. Give an example of the process you would follow to inform an authorised person of a participants skills development/maintenance
  1. Identify a resource or piece of equipment you may require when implementing skill development

Outline the process of how you would:

  • Identify the need for the equipment
  • Access the equipment
  • Use the equipment
  • You should also note the organisational requirements and legislative requirements associated with doing this.
  1. Identify a skills development plan and break it down into component For each element, explain how you would assess and determine that the participant had achieved this milestone.
  1. Provide an example of how you would monitor a participants progress and level of initiative and how you would provide positive feedback?
  1. Give an example of how you could identify a need for a change in the plan by reviewing
  1. Identify three (3) skills. For each, identify two (2) ways in which the participant could access an informal learning opportunity.
  1. In your own words, brie?y explain the meaning of positive reinforcement and provide four examples of positive behaviour support
  1. Outline the key functions of a behavioural support Why is it important to ensure that all implemented support is designed around the individual?
  1. Explain the use of the ?ve following positive lifestyle enhancement strategies:
  • Motivation
  • Stress management
  • Engaging in meaningful activities
  • Support relationships
  • Improvements to the environment and
  1. Outline the importance of making sure that the nutritional needs of the participant are being met as part of your support
  1. What is the primary function of a crisis management plan?
  1. In what situation would it be appropriate to apply restrictive practices? Discuss why regular evaluation of the restrictive practice and of supporting guidelines are so
  1. List two examples of positive communication support strategies which may alleviate any unmet needs of the participant.
  1. When risk-assessing a participant and their environment, what are the four primary factors that you should consider that may contribute to behaviours of concern?

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 14th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 201

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  • Journals
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more