To ensure a swift and effective resolution, the copyright infringement notice must include the following mandatory elements:
1 Identification of Infringing Material
2 Proof of Copyright Ownership or Authorization
3 Reference to the Indian Copyright Act, 1957, and/or the DMCA
4 Contact Information
Upon receiving a valid copyright infringement notice, the Platform will take the following actions:
1 Review and Verification
2 Removal or Disabling of Access
If we determine that material was removed or disabled in error or due to misidentification, we may reinstate the material. To address such concerns, you may submit a counter-notice, which must include:
1 Identification of the material that was removed or disabled and its location before removal.
2 A statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed due to a mistake or misidentification.
3 Your full contact details, including name, postal address, telephone number, and email address.
The Platform will review the counter-notice and, if deemed appropriate, may restore the material. If the reporting party does not notify us of initiating court action within 14 business days, we will reinstate the content.
The Platform adheres to a strict repeat infringer policy as required by the DMCA and other applicable laws. Accounts associated with multiple confirmed instances of copyright infringement may be suspended or terminated at the Platform's discretion. Each confirmed instance of infringement will be documented, and repeat offenses will result in escalating actions to enforce compliance with copyright laws.
This notice and response procedure is designed to comply with the Indian Copyright Act, 1957, the DMCA, and the provisions related to intermediary liability under Section 79 of the Information Technology Act, 2000. The Platform operates as an intermediary facilitating content sharing among users and takes necessary actions to address copyright concerns promptly and effectively.
As a crowd-sourcing platform, we rely on our users to respect intellectual property rights.
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