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Cyber Security Assignment

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Added on: 2023-02-15 04:46:39
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1. What is an example of a security threat?
2. Discuss the purpose of The Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017 using 30-60 words.
3. Explain personally identifiable information (PII) using 30-60 words.
4. Identify three (3) pieces of workplace-related information that can be constituted as personally identifiable information (PII).
5. Using 30-60 words, explain why securing Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is a critical data protection task?
6. What are the four (4) specifications related to personally identifiable information (PII).
7. When an organisation or agency must notify affected individuals and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) according to Notifiable Data Breach legislation and Privacy Act 1988? Answer using 20-40 words.
8. Identify five (5) examples of serious harm under the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme.
9. What are the seven principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
10. What six (6) steps should be taken into consideration to block potential security breaches?
11. What data breaches need to be reported? Answer using 30-40 words.
12. What is the process of following escalation routes for cybersecurity issues? Answer using 30-40 words.
13. What are the five (5) common types of online scams and security risks?
14. What phishing scams do? Answer using 20-40 words.
15. What are the four (4) common techniques of phishing and spear-phishing?
16. What is a spam email or SMS text message? Answer using 20-40 words.
17. What is an example of social engineering? Answer using 20-40 words.
18. What are the six (6) principles of cyber security?
19. What are the three (3) principles of cyber defence?
20. How can you identify a secure website? Answer using 30-60 words.
21. What are the risks of accessing insecure websites? Answer using 30-60 words.
22. Identify the five themes of action set by Australian Government under their Cyber Security Strategy.
23. Discuss the role of Australian Cyber Security Centre using 30-60 words.
24. Which types of security threats are faced by users while using the Web? Identify three (3).
25. What are the three (3) types of security controls?
26. How do you mitigate security threats to your business network? Discuss the procedures using 50-100 words.
27. What is threat mitigation in cyber security? Answer using 30-60 words.
28. What is a Cyber Security Incident Response Plan? Answer using 30-60 words.
29. How do you respond to a security breach? Write a procedure using 30-60 words.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : February 15th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 490

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