diff_months: 21

Demonstrate your ability to appraise research designs for an Emergency Department

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Added on: 2023-04-10 06:18:40
Order Code: 488588
Question Task Id: 0

Select one of the scenarios provided below and identify in 1500 words what you believe to be the most appropriate study design to answer/address the research problem/question and justify your response accordingly using the wider scholarly peer-reviewed literature. It is essential that you clearly identify which scenario you have chosen/responding to at the top of your assessment task. Please review the rubric accordingly to as it will provide you with the necessary structure and clarity to meet the intended learning outcomes.

1. You are working in a busy Emergency Department in a tertiary teaching hospital, and you have noticed an increase in violent or threatening confrontations (code black) over the past year. You decide to investigate the incidence of violence against nursing professionals in the Emergency Department where you work.

2. You are working in a dementia ward and notice that cognitive decline varies depending on the types of dementia diagnosis the patient receives. You and your colleagues decide to investigate rate of decline according to the type of dementia diagnosis received.

3. You are a scrub nurse in a busy operating theatre and have notice over the past 2 years the culture and morale among theatre nurses has resulted in a high nursing staff turnover. You find this concerning and decide to explore the culture of the operating theatre.

4. You are a Nursing Unit Manager working in an acute care mental health unit in a tertiary teaching hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the admissions, there has been an increased number of patients presenting expressing suicidal ideations that has resulted in a number of the mental health nurses feeling the effects of burnout and exhaustion. You decide to follow up on this and explore the experiences of nurses caring for people who express suicidal ideations.

5. You are the discharge planning nurse for a rehabilitation centre. A recent addition to the rehabilitation services offered includes telehealth which is beneficial for those in remote and rural settings. In particular, the use of multiplatform messaging systems has been found to be useful in communicating with patients. You decide to investigate the viability of implementing the use of mobile Apps such as WhatsApp as part of telemedicine approach.

6. You are a midwife working in a maternity unit and have noticed an increase in the number of wound infections following a Caesarian section in the past 12 months and want to investigate the cause and implement practice to reduce incidence of wound infection post caesarean section.

7. You are a nurse practitioner in a wound clinic and the you wish to use a new dressing to see how effective it is in healing donor sites compared to the standard of care.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 10th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 215

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  • Journals
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
  • Books
  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more