Develop Personal English and Literacy Skills Assignment
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Assessment task link to unit learning outcomes:
Critically reflect upon and further develop personal English and literacy skills (verbally, in written form, and via a range of ICTs)
Demonstrate understandings of a range of theoretical perspectives related to how children learn and develop literacy knowledge, skills and understandings throughout the primary school years (especially the upper years)
Details of task: This assessment task requires you to address the following four questions. Each question should be approximately 500 words in length, and be a combination of reflective practice, supported by the literature.
Drawing on your learning, the literature and your pre-service teaching practices, demonstrate your understanding of initiatives in student literacy learning including the Standards, the High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) and Assessment and Reporting Advice. Reflect on different ways you have implemented literacy curriculum programs and what you have learnt about your teaching practices consequently.
Drawing on your learning, the literature and your pre-service teaching practices, demonstrate your understanding of quality literacy pedagogy
Drawing on your learning, the literature and your pre-service teaching practices, reflect on your experiences of monitoring and assessing student literacy learning, and how you used data to inform teaching for improved student learning
Drawing on your learning, the literature and your pre-service teaching practices, describe how you plan to develop constructive relationships with students, parents and other staff as part of your literacy teaching and learning environment. Justify why meaningful relationships matter in the 21st century literacy classroom.
With students
With parents
With staff members