Differentiate The Ethical, Legal, And Clinical Issues Of A Nurse?
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Part 1 Written Essay
Registered nurses, enrolled nurses, and midwives are responsible for making professional judgments about when an activity is within their scope of practice and, when it is not, for initiating consultation and collaboration with, or referral to, other healthcare team members.
Differentiate and critically discuss the ethical, legal, and clinical issues that are associated with the Ms. Smithfield Case. Identify and integrate the relevant Codes of practice and the Australian Registered Nurses Standards of Practice that aim to prevent these events throughout the discussion.
Determine and discuss how the registered nurse's values and attitudes impact their responsibilities in keeping patients safe.
* You are expected to support this section with quality scholarly journals, books, policies professional standard references applicable to the Australian context in APA Version 7 Style in-text and end referencing list.
Part 2 Recorded Reflection
Through an audio recording, reflect on how Ms. Smithfield's story impacts you and your values, beliefs, and attitudes about your future role as a Registered Nurse and your strategies in safeguarding patient care.
Within this, present professional practice challenges that may arise within the nursing practice; What do you believe are the most important ways to demonstrate your integrity as a health professional? And how will you evaluate your professional practice and your professional identity?
Referencing the audio recording - Identify the reflection references separately to your written reference list with an additional heading; Reflection references.
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