Draft HRM Report and PPt for an Organization
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Assignment Task 1: [80 marks]-Word Limit 3500 words
Part A [40 marks]
Discuss HRM practices in your organization or any organization that you worked or familiar with. Critically evaluate if the HRM practices are align to your overall business objectives and discuss its impact on overall organizational performance. Critically review and evaluate the HR process in your organization and how it can be improved to meet specific business challenges and overcome them.
How workforce planning, Recruitment & Selection practices or method in your organization can provide the right talent and skills to meet organizations objectives? Identify any HRM practices and their impact on organizational productivity and profitability in your chosen organization. Critically analyze the outcomes of the specific practices and evaluate its effects to employee and employer.
Part B [40 marks]
Critically discuss and analyze any two leadership styles its advantages and disadvantages in the context of your chosen organization. Select and justify the most conducive leadership style that can influence a positive work performance in your company with discussion and critical reflection on why you think it is so.
Assignment Task 2: [20 marks]
Prepare a power point presentation (limit to10-12 slides total) on any one function of HRM in your chosen organization and present it in the class with relevant examples. The presentation will be of the duration of 15 minutes (10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for the Q&A). You will be evaluated on the content, delivery, and interaction.