e-puck, a Robot Designed for Education in Engineering Assignment
TASK 1: You should create a Behaviour-Based Robotics (BBR) approach robot controller to control a single “robot-rat” that is able to solve the PROBLEM stated above. You should train your robot using the arena (i.e., world files) provided to you on CANVAS.
TASK 2: Create a robot controller using the Evolutionary Robotics (ER) approach to control a single “robot-rat” that is able to solve the PROBLEM stated above. You should train your robot using the arena (i.e., world files) provided to you on CANVAS.
(*) For Task 2, you can find an initial code of the robot evolutionary robotics approach controller on your Lab 3 git repository on CANVAS, with many gaps that you need to fill in so that your controller will run properly. More info on Lab 3 material