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ECM3803 Social Media & E-Commerce (Local Homemade Food)

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Added on: 2022-08-20 00:00:00
Order Code: 437659
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Individual Assignment

Course Learning Outcome (CLO) :Describe the meaning of business principlesapplied to the design and implementation of web-based commerce.

Introductions :

Undeniably, in Malaysia, the food business is one of the most profitable types of business.This is among the main reason why there are so many people are selling homemadefood nowadays. Selling homemade food business has become a 'trend' whether peopleare selling it as a side income or a sole income.

QuestionIdentify ONE (1) online Malaysian business that sells homemade food usingsocial media. Describe the nature of the business - what this business is selling.

Question.Describe the following.

  1. Describe THREE (3) uniqueness of the products.
  2. Describe THREE (3) value propositions --- explain the main attraction ofthis business, and the main value this business is offering to online customers thatmakes it stand out from its competitors.
  3. Elaborate why you think the use of this specific social media is suitable (ornot suitable) as a platform for selling online. Explain how this seller makesuse of the strength of this specific social media to its advantage.
  4. Explain in what ways is this business taking steps to establish trust amongits customers?
  5. Display TWO (2) screenshots of the business. Describe each screenshot.


  1. Slides should include brief explanations of the online Malaysian business you hadselected.
  2. Next, describe its uniqueness, value proposition, the use of social media,establishing trust and its screenshots.
  3. The number of slides maximum of 10.
  • Uploaded By : Abhi
  • Posted on : July 06th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 217

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