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Enhancing Team Collaboration and Conflict Resolution Strategies in Diverse Work Environments

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Part A

Article: HR Magazine - The dangers of recruiting for cultural fit.

Question 1(i)

Culture can assist in recruiting and retaining top talent. For instance, a poor fit of culture because of staff turnover shall cost a company between 50% to 60% in relation to the annual salary of an individual. An innovative and fast-paced culture basically indicates much ambiguity is present in a person's behavior followed by constant alterations in particular things. In order to enable success in this type of culture, people working should be fine with error and trial along with creating several ideas (Bashford, 2018). Observing the core people of the firm is also necessary to investigate the culture of the company by noticing the process of how individuals take action. If leaders opine they require open communication and honest input, yet team members stay uninvolved and reticent, employees' behavior can denote a distrust culture.

Question 1(ii)

There are some key recruitment methods for assessing a candidate and that includes direct advertising, recruiting through social media, databases of the talent pool, and employee referrals.  Direct advertising can be carried out by the firm in the form of the organization’s social media platforms such as LinkedIn, job boards, and career sites. Recruiters of the company can plan to utilize platforms of social media such as Twitter and Facebook for advertising job openings. 

Question 1(iii)

Recruitment bias can be found appearing suddenly within the beginning stages of screening when the dismissal of candidates relies on data that occurs on their resumes. Specific names highlight or indicate a specific age bracket, race, and gender. Also, when biases go unnoticed or left unevaluated, people's abilities can get blurred for making equitable and sound decisions. Hiring managers, recruiters as well and other people who take participation in the hiring procedure must be aware in relation to significant having the ability to develop extra exclusions at the time of selection and hiring procedure. False narratives with regards to a candidate shall not be just established within the foremost few seconds with regards to evaluating an application, yet can be established before the specific position can be found ever posted (Wang & Wu, 2020). Overall, those narratives can encourage equity considering the entire hiring procedure.

Question 2(i)

Article: LOROL HRD: How to maintain high engagement levels

LOROL maintaining greater engagement levels with their staff through the following ways:

Giving emphasis on the frontline

Within the LOROL Company, the HR manager suggests focusing on survey outcomes and operations that need to be undertaken following the results in the frontline department. Furthermore, the HR leaders’ key vision for the future is also that there would be more availability of HR data to employees through the app who do not confront the computer. The organizational nature denotes scattering staff around numerous sites and also indicates incorporating potentially simple methods of communication such as marker boards within stations (Jacobs, 2015). 

Involving staff within engagement

At LOROL organization, teams are asked for coming up with innovative ideas so that further engagement can be promoted and facilitated. Staff are asked for specific things such as smaller events for bringing together frontline staff and senior managers considering a more usual manner. LOROL also runs competitions at times surrounding its values and vision thereby asking group members for creating photos or values that illustrate the process of how they make a relation to the values of the organization. 

Making HR visible

Maximizing the presence of HR out within the business can be obtained as another must-have involvement technique applied by the HR director of CAROLE. This indicates every single individual within the team of HR including administrators, business partners and key people engaged within the payroll needs to get deeply engaged in the business.  They conduct company-wide event that reflects useful data in relation to engagement and HR. 

Question 2(ii)

Benefits for staff engagement

The engagement strategy conducted by LOROL enables the entire team to upgrade with challenges on the line. Creativity is engaged by the company leader by asking how employees are currently performing, analyzing feedback as well as observing what requires alterations along with taking action on it. Through learning and development at every stage of the business, staff get highly involved as they are able to evaluate skill gaps within the business as well as frame training policies that empower staff with particular skills and knowledge that assist in driving maximized performance (Jacobs, 2015).

Question 3(i)


Summary of the article

The profession of human resources has taken large tribes certainly over the last few decades. The article mainly strives to focus on people strategies. A people strategy is referred to as the comprehensive plan which teaches every aspect of the relationship that exists between the employee and the employer. From recruitment to the tax of boarding, people strategy generally sets the stage for retaining, training engaging, and attracting talented staff in the modern world place. People strategy which is effective must enable an organization to make decisions that are data-driven, they should focus on generating clear parts of career and pay transparency and must be able to build a healthy culture in the organization (Cakir & Adiguzel, 2020). The article also states that HR departments are now playing an important role in the key business process of decision-making. Inclusion, diversity wellness, and equality have been found as the top agenda of the human resource department. The ever-changing world is still found to be in the post-recovery condition of the global pandemic. 

Question 3(ii)

Key messages in the article

The key messages of the article are to not neglect talent, focus on their employees, and successful planning. Talent management has now become the prime focus for HR leaders in a global context (Inegbedion et al., 2020). Arguably, it has been found that it has provided people problems more traction in the C-suite as the leaders seem to have bought into its potential strategic nature. However, in several ways talent management has now failed to live up to the hype that it has created and this results in skepticism among academics and practitioners alike. The global pandemic has accelerated the uptake of digital learning and it has caused companies to read and think about training programs. While development and virtual learning techniques are specifically in evidence before the log down, share necessity has left most of the companies with less choice other than to come on board. The article states that remote learning is much more of a necessity instead of a nice to have. 

Question 3(iii)

Theories learned in the tutorial

Analyzing the article, it has been found that HR leaders who seek to optimize their performance, should take the time to take into consideration both the long and short-term objectives of the organization. For instance, it is totally common for HR professionals to pay attention to their daily tasks without stopping to consider the objectives of the wider business (Okolie et al., 2021). In doing so, by failing to line with the actions of a chart with larger corporate strategies the teams of human resource would fall sort of achieving the maximum values of business from their efforts. Moreover, the article also states that over the course of the last few years, they have witnessed the table stand with regards to recruitment and a shift to the market which is candidate-driven to the extent of applicants who are questioning the prospective employer at the interview stage.

Part B

Question 1

Training related to conflict resolution

The organization can minimize conflict's adverse impact by assisting staff in the development of skills and competencies they require for successfully resolving the challenges that take place within their lives. More confidence can be obtained by people through this strategy within their capability for resolving both professional and personal conflicts. Individuals will be made more effective in addressing small conflicts whenever they take place rather than providing an allowance to them for becoming major distractions. Besides this, resolution strategies would also comprise empathy, active listening, and making adjustments by promoting a deeper understanding among group members (HR, 2024). Developing a basic understanding of one another can help foster a cooperation and unity sense which are important components of the intricate global teamwork grounds.

Providing training to enhance communication skills

By offering training with regards to developing communication skills, staff capability can be maximized for enabling effective communication with a wide range of people along with tackling different issues that will set the basis of organizational challenges. People undergoing such training will be able to know and learn the process for expressing themselves in a more effective manner along with actively listening to other people (Higgs, 2020). This greatly assists in preventing misunderstandings as well as paves the way to mitigate conflicts in a more efficient way.

Assist staff in the development of positive operating relationships

A chance should be given to all employees for understanding one another in a better way as well as feel comfortable while discussing any complex or challenging aspects. The approach can be effectively carried out by delivering certain social interaction opportunities continuously as well as providing assignments or tasks that place staff into directly consulting with individuals whom they usually do not make an interaction with. Additionally, this should be carried out by conducting cross-training opportunities. Basically, to resolve team conflicts and strengthen relationships in the company, the key step taken is that communication should be kept clear and open (Omisore & Abiodun, 2014). The procedure should begin by giving invitations to collect for having face-to-face meetings and resolving differences one by one.

Implement activities of team building

The organization can easily opt for enhancing the performance of the business as well as strengthening team relationships with the help of the team development procedure. An opportunity can be provided through such opportunities for group members so that they can get easily comfortable with one another and recognize interaction modes and acceptable behaviors as well as assess the process of how conflicts and team issues shall be resolved. The activities will serve as potential frameworks for team development and conflict resolution (Tabassi et al., 2019). By incorporating empathy, open communication, and trust, activities of team building can lessen and eliminate obstacles and generate a positive atmosphere where conflicts can be addressed in a constructive manner.

Question 2

Teamwork and collaboration are important for each and every organization however they can be challenging to acquire when the team is distributed and diverse across different time zones, cultures, and locations. In order to promote collaboration as well as teamwork across distributed and diverse teams, it is very important to establish clear expectations and goals. Developing clear goals is an important step in promoting teamwork and collaboration (Rimmer, 2023). The first step is to define the common expectations and goals for the entire team. The team must understand its objectives and purposes. Moreover, the team should be able to measure their progress and success. The organization must also help them to understand their own responsibilities and roles. Additionally, the organisation should a lime the team across the shared direction, reducing conclusion and ambiguity and creating a sense of ownership as well as accountability. The higher authority of the organization should ensure that they have generated a culture that is psychologically safe. The expectation and role clarity generally flourish in an environment that is psychologically safe and where the members feel safe to share their own perspectives, be involved in healthy conflict, and ask questions (Shaban, 2016). This consequently results in team members feeling more invested and bought into the expectations and goals of the teams. Along with this, it is also important to embrace inclusion and diversity in the organization. To promote teamwork and collaboration is to improve the inclusion and diversity of the entire theme. Diversity generally refers to the differences among the members of the team with regard to their experiences perspectives and backgrounds. Inclusion refers to the extent to which the members feel supported, respected, and valued by the team. By embracing inclusion diversity and individual games the ability to average the insights and strengths of each of the members of the team, motivates creativity and innovation and fosters a culture of openness and trust (Shrivastava & Prasad, 2019).

As working around cultures becomes common increasingly throughout the world, intercultural misunderstanding breaks are also increasing. The impacts of that miscommunication sometimes range from light annoyance to extreme anger. Both of these might result in a harmonious workplace or success in international negotiations. Greater awareness and more education are important for preventing intercultural misunderstanding. It is significant to identify that no single right way is there to reduce intercultural conflicts. To prevent or reduce intercultural misunderstanding or conflicts, the organization should offer diversity training. Those kinds of initiatives will be able to increase the awareness of employees regarding cultural differences with the objective of facilitating greater appreciation and understanding of diversity. Gaining an understanding and awareness of the particular cultural backgrounds of the employees will also help to prevent misunderstanding among the diverse team. Cultural differences must always be celebrated in an organization (Turi et al., 2022). Instead of considering cultural differences exclusively as cause for friction and misunderstanding, they must be celebrated in the workplace and should be seen as opportunities to learn and grow about some new ways to approach different situations. For instance, honoring the important dates for all of the religions at the workplace is considered as a great manner to educate the employees about the culture of other people and it also helps to welcome the employees who are from different religious backgrounds. The strategy to prevent misunderstanding in a diverse team is being educated about the cultures of other employees and putting all of those ideas into practice and learning continues through the experience with diverse associates and workers. All the various potential fit false are there to avoid intercultural conflict has been found that most people appreciate the genuine effort of someone to join their local language, behaviors, and customs in a respectful manner.

When a diverse workforce is managed effectively and efficiently, the entire organization becomes successful. While inclusivity and diversity are among the most cited corporate values there are two complicated goals to plan for and to achieve. With lots of unconscious and systematic biases at play, even a well-intentioned company can sometimes fall short of its objectives. And organizations should always appreciate a divorced workforce. In order to become successful in a diverse workforce, the employees and the leaders should get proper education about understanding the impact of diversity on the community as well as on the company. It is very important to make the employees understand that a divorced workforce increases productivity and creativity (Turi et al., 2022). For instance, people from different backgrounds can contribute to creativity as they have different ideas and some of them are much more efficient and effective for the success of the company. Moreover, whenever the company might experience any kind of issue the diverse workforce would be able to come up with several efficient and creative solutions. Along with this, the organization should also implement some changes in the process of hiring. Inclusive approaches to building the workforce might eliminate the biases in the job description.

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  • Posted on : March 16th, 2024
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