ENV242-Atmospheric and Climate Science Assessment
- Subject Code :
Youhaveachoiceofthreetopics for theresearch report.
1.Climatechange(orstability)in ?
Choose one or more locations for which historical data is available and a time period of atleast 30 years or more. Support or contest the hypothesis that climate has changed over thenominated period through a review of the available meteorological and climatologicalevidence.Reviewthepossiblecauses for thechange(ifthereisone).
2. The meteorology of.
Pickanotableextremeweathereventforexampleacyclone,atornado,aflood,adrought,a hail event, a heat wave, or a bushfire disaster. Describe the synoptic situation associatedwith the event and howit progressed overthe course of the event with reference toappropriatemeteorologicaldiagrams.
3. ,a bad place to breathe.
Pick a location known for poor air quality. Describe a bad air pollution episode for thatlocation and analyse the meteorological conditions that result in poor air quality, givingevidence in the form of typical synoptic charts, aerological diagrams, or other atmosphericdiagrams.
Regardless of which topic you choose, we expect you to base at least some of your conclusionson original observations based on primary source data. Integration of data, figures, and text isimportant.
WARNING:Reportswithnooriginalanalysisthatdrawentirelyonotherpeoplesmeteorological and climatological interpretation and extensively copy charts and diagramsfromprintedoronlinesourcesareunlikelyto receivepassing grades.
Your text should be 1800 to 2000 words long. It MUST strictly adhere to the research reportpresentation standards as described in the ENV242 Report Writing Guide available on the unitwebpage.