Essay Change Is Constant
- Country :
United Arab Emirates
The exam consists of four essay questions, listed below. There is no required length for each question, but the more understanding you show off the views and issues discussed, the better your grade. So, do what you can to show me what you've learned. You'll see that each question asks you to explain and compare/contrast views. You aren't required to evaluate the views. However, for each question, you have the opportunity to add to your grade by offering your own evaluation. Keep in mind that you can't pass the exam by evaluating the views (doing the "bonus" part) without doing well on the required part. Offering your own views is extra, not a substitute for showing you understand the issues.
- Compare and describe the most important differences between act utilitarianism and Kantian ethics.
- Explain the main ways virtue theory differs from principle-based theories.
- What are the key similarities and differences between care ethics and virtue theory?
- Compare and contrast how two (only two!) of the theories we've examined would approach one (only one!) of the following issues: pollution and resource use, or obligations to future generations.
Bonus: On your view, which is closer to the truth regarding how a person should live? Why?
Bonus: Does virtue theory offer a better approach to ethics than principle-based theories? Why or why not?
Bonus: Does care ethics improve on virtue theory? Why or why not?
Bonus: Of the two theories you've compared, which offers a better approach to the issue you've discussed? Why?