Facilitation Workshop and Reflection Assessment
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Assessment 2: Part 1: Facilitation Workshop Activity: (20%)
For this activity, we will form groups of students working together to plan and deliver a workshop to their colleagues. Each group selects an organizational behavior/management-related topic covered in the unit which they think is important for managers to understand. They should then develop and facilitate a 'management training workshop' on the respective topic. A key point to remember here is that managers' time is precious, so the facilitation should be efficiently coordinated and have identifiable professional learning outcomes.
Groups should select their topic and inform their lecturer in the workshop in week five to ensure minimal overlap. Students should feel free to chat with their Unit Coordinator/Lecturer beforehand about their ideas.
Each facilitation should last for 30-45 minutes (subject to change depending on equitably) reflection (40%)
Assessment 2: Part 2: Reflection (20? sed on individual achievement) to be submitted through Turnitin one week (Seven calendar days) after students have conducted their workshop.
This activity requires students to reflect back on their experience of planning, designing and delivering the facilitation workshop. They should consider which aspects they found particularly challenging and why this might have been the case and connect their thinking to unit content - i.e. theories and concepts (please note that all theories and concepts should be referenced appropriately using citations). Students might consider how they as individuals or their group members might have improved on overall outcomes. Which aspects did students find particularly rewarding or useful and why this might have been the case? Reflections connecting to unit content (ie. theory and concepts) will score highly whereas superficial descriptions will score poorly. Thus, for example, students may wish to consider how themes relating to personality and perception or decision-making impacted on their experience of working on or running the facilitation. Other themes relating to group dynamics such as team development models may also have impact and can be reflected upon in the essay.