HLSC122 ePoster scenarios Assessment
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Pick ONE of the following scenarios for your ePoster:
- Maeveis40yearsoldandhassu?eredongoingbackpainsinceshefello?herhorse5yearsHerGPhassuggestedthatgentleexercisewillbebeneficialforherbackpain, but Maeve is not convinced, and her friend has recommended she go to achiropractorinstead.Sheasksforyour opinion.
- Alfonzo is60yearsoldandhasbeensearchingtheinternetforwaystodelaytheonsetofHeasksyouifeatingaketogenicdietwillhelp.
- Horatiois 19 years old and studying an arts degree at his local University. He is living away from home and needs to work to pay his rent. He started working 4 nights aweekatHisshiftendsat04:00andhehasuniversityclassesat09:00mostdays. His grades were good in the first semester, but since he started working at thenightclub they have worsened. He asks you if his lack of sleep is contributing to hisworseningacademicperformance.
- RosetaisinherfinalyearofanOccupationHealthdegree recentlyshehasnoticedthat she often feels stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed by her workload and She has heard that physical activity can help improve mental healthandreducesymptomsofanxietyanddepressionbutwantstoknowifthisiscorrect.Sheasks youforyour opinion.