Human Ethics Application Risk Assessment Form
- Country :
New Zealand
Aim of the project
The aim of the research is to assess current practices of Health Safety in the New Zealand Construction Industry and to understand the significance of mental health regarding its impact on individuals within and outside the workplace. The research will analyze and evaluate the requirements of current legislation and will compare the initiatives of the construction industry regarding the enhancement in the practices of Health Safety and Wellbeing.
Project Summary
The research is based on the investigation of Health Safety and Well-being in Construction. The main focus of the researcher will be to evaluate existing practices and approaches to Health and Safety in the New Zealand construction industry. The research will help to better understand the significance of psychological well-being issues experienced on building sites and workplaces used to deliver construction projects. The research will highlight relevant legislation and recommend what changes could be made. The research will be done under the supervision of Dr. Gregory Chawynski. The researcher will focus on current Health and Safety legislation and will include a detailed investigation of accidents and mishaps that have occurred over the past on construction sites throughout New Zealand that are linked to well-being issues. The research will identify organizations that support Health Safety and Wellbeing as well as reference media reports. Information will be obtained from qualitative semi-structured interviews of building professionals, websites, and peer-reviewed articles using Google Scholar and media articles.
Describe the peer review process that has been used to discuss and analyze the ethical issues present in this project.
The peer review process will rely on the main supervisor reviewing the research questions in the survey. They will also require ethical behavior by the researcher when asking questions. All information will be kept confidential and used only for the project. Gathered information and data will not be forwarded to external parties for comment.
- Summarise the ethical issues considered and explain how each has been addressed
Ethics in research possess great importance for scientific integrity, dignity and human rights, and collaboration among society and science. When the researcher collects data from people, there are certain factors that need to maintain high ethical standards. Throughout the research process, the ethical issues which will be considered include the consent of the people, confidentiality, and privacy, authorship and ownership, custodianship and governance, and sharing of data assessing the social advantages of the research. The researcher will ensure that personal information will not be gathered in a way that is unacceptable, overly intrusive, or unfair. The information will be stored securely and not used for any other purpose and destroyed at the end.
- With whom did you peer review the ethical aspects of your research?
My supervisor will review my questionnaire which will draw on direct and indirect questions.
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