IAP607BM Independent Critical Analysis Project
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As the final step of your capstone subject, this assessment aims to equip you with the skills required to analyse and propose solutions to a business problem. This will be achieved through a process of designing and implementing a sound research project based on your approved research proposal in BRH606 Business Research for Hoteliers. The research project is presented in the form of a group consultancy report and entails elements of articulate writing, information literacy, synthesis of complex information, and logical and critical thinking.
Task Instructions
Each research project has its own individual characteristics and can be structured in a unique way. A suggested guideline is provided below. However, if you deem a different structure more suitable for your research, discuss it with your learning facilitator before proceeding.
You are expected to also incorporate the feedback received from Assessment 2 in writing this report.
(approx. 150- words, not included in the word count, numbered as Page i). It should include the following content:
- Research problem and context
- Research methods
- Main findings
- Implications
Table of Contents
(not included in the word count, numbered as Page ii).
- Each heading should correspond to a page number. Use the Table of Content function in Word to create this. You will find this in the References tab on the left.
List of Tables and Figures
(not included in the word count, numbered as Page iii).
- Only required if you included tables or figures in your report.
List of Appendices
(not included in word count, numbered as Page iv)
- Introduction (10% of the word count - approx. 450 words, numbered as Page 1).
- Background to the research, including the research problem.
- Research objectives.
- Significance of the research - What is important about this research? How does your research contribute to the business and/or advancement of theoretical knowledge?
- Outline of the report - this section explains what will be covered in the report. State the sections and sub-sections of your report (tell the reader what is to come).
- Literature Review (15% of the word count - approx. 600 - 700 words)
A literature review shapes the basis of a high-quality research project. Your literature review should clearly state the relevance and value/novelty of your research (this is often achieved through a clear articulation of the research gap).
By synthesising a significant amount of information while engaging critically with the content (e.g., raising critiques about previously published work), a literature review showcases your information literacy skills. Your literature review must identify a gap in knowledge and how your research problem is positioned against existing theoretical knowledge. Ensure all sources of information are referenced, and citations are correctly used in-text.
Credible industry sources can be added to supplement the 12 academic references to strengthen your margument about the topic. Credible industry sources include industry publications, company reports including those of competitors, credible newspaper articles, and secondary data sets from the ABS, Tourism Australia, state tourism bodies, World Tourism Organisation, National Tourist Offices (NTOs). - Methodology (25% of the word count - approx. 1,200 words)
This section should be written in the past tense since it reports on work that you have already completed. Clearly explain how you have collected primary data to complete your project. It is important that all decisions taken are clearly identified, justified, and supported by relevant literature.
- Research Methodology: Detailed explanation of your research approach and methods, including justification for your methodological decisions.
- Population and Sample: Detailed description of your research population, sampling technique(s) and sample.
- Data Collection: Description and justification of your data collection method(s), including any issues encountered and how they were dealt with.
- Data Analysis: Detailed description of your data analysis process and steps What process, tools, software and/or tests you used.
- Limitations: Discuss the limitations you experienced in conducting your research. How has this impacted the quality of your research?
- Findings and discussions(35% of the word count - approx. 1,500 1,600 words) Present a clear and logical outline of key findings. Demonstrate how yourfindings address the research problem that you identified and how they are related to the research objectives. Summarise the data analysis and present evidence of the findings you have derived from the data. Support your discussion with citations from the literature (academic and industry). Make sure it is clear which information comes from your research findings and what you are citing from other studies.