ICT205 Data Analytics Case Study Team Report and Presentation
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Assessment Details
For this assignment, students are required to write 2,500 words report on a specific case study andexplain the data mining process applied to a selected data set. Students can choose any of thesuitable three datasets (one for each task i.e., 1 clustering, 1 for classification, 1 for regression)that is publicly available on the internet or from here https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.php.
In week 11, students will be required to present their project and get feedback from the Lecturer toensure that they are tracking well for their report submission. Students are expected to work inteams of 4 and undergo their own research without collaboration with any other group. No twogroups will work on the same case study and students are expected to prepare a comprehensivereport on the application of their knowledge of data analytics on a given case study.
1. All reports must include at least 10 academic references which must be done using APA7reference style.
2. The case study must assess the value propositions of the chosen data set and discusswhat types of business questions can be answered using the data set. It must highlightthe suitability of data preprocessing approaches for the selected data set. It musthighlight the appropriate data mining task and method that are applicable to the dataset. Students must also highlight the best data mining modelsuitable for the chosen dataset.
3. This unit requires you to use APA system of referencing. See Sydney Internationals quickreference guide. It should be used in conjunction with the online tool Academic Writer:https://extras.apa.org/apastyle/basics-7e/#/.
4. A passing grade will be awarded to assignments adequately addressing all assessmentcriteria. Higher grades require better quality and more effort. For example, a minimum isset on the wider reading required. A student reading vastly more than this minimum willbe better prepared to discuss the issues in depth and consequently their report is likelyto be of a higher quality. So before submitting, please read through the assessmentcriteria very carefully.
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