ICTTEN622 Produce ICT Network Architecture Designs Assessment
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Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions
Provide answers to all of the questions below:
- Give an example for each of the items in the table that can apply to work associated with producing ICT network architecture designs. Explain how the example you provide is relevant to producing ICT network architecture designs.
- Legislation
- Code of practice
- Regulation
- Standard
- Workplace procedure
- WHS practice
- Outline each of the technologies included in the table and the principles behind these technologies.
- Access networks
- Core networks
- Network topologies
- Mobile cellular networks
- Network protocols and operating systems
- Optical networks and principles
- Radio frequency (RF) technologies and principles
- Radio frequency identification (RFID) hardware and software
- Explain the importance of compatibility in terms of software solutions for a business.
- List two ways that compatibility issues can be resolved.
- Outline a process that could be used to find out about supplier costs for products associated with network architecture design.
- Explain why it is important to configure an IP address.
- What is a desktop application? List an example of a desktop application.
- What is an operating system? List an example of a desktop application.
- Outline two types of security protocols.
- Outline two types of data encryption techniques.
Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio
Complete the following activities:
1. Carefully read the following:
- This assessment task requires you to produce two network architecture designs. You can complete this project based on the networks, equipment and information provided by your assessor or for a business that you are working for.
- If you choose to complete the project based on a business of your choice, it is important that you can access client requirements, specifications and guidelines, as well as a network and hardware and software. Speak to your assessor to get approval if you want to base this on an organisation of your choice.
- You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below. Before you begin, complete page 4 of your Project Portfolio.
2. Preparation.
Prior to commencing the task, you are to meet with the client to find out about their requirements in relation to the ICT network architecture designs.
- If you are completing this in your RTO, the client will be your assessor and you will meet with them.
- If you are completing this based on your own organisation, the client may be an internal client or an external client who you will need to meet with to find out requirements. You will need to provide a video or audio recording of this meeting so that your assessor can confirm your oral communication skills. Remember that as you need to design two ICT network architecture design so it’s possible that you may need to meet with two different clients.
At the meeting, you will need to find out about:
- the two networks for which the designs are required and current issues, problems, and opportunities
- scope of the work to be conducted, including objectives
- specifications for the network
- network traffic demands
- budget available
- other details including site access arrangements and timelines.
During the meeting, your assessor will be looking to see that you can demonstrate oral communication skills including:
- Speaking clearly and concisely using relevant language.
- Using observational and questioning techniques to confirm and clarify and revise understanding as required information
- Using active listening techniques
You should ensure that all arrangements for access are confirmed at the meeting by finding out the information you need to.
Following the meeting, work on Section 1 of your Portfolio to include the information that you have been provided at the meeting.
11. Produce ICT network architecture designs.
You are now to produce your preliminary ICT network architecture designs. You are to:
- Determine the requirements for the network, including hardware and software needed and to cater for predicted network traffic.
- Select the most appropriate solutions.
- Develop physical network diagrams.
- Report on the impact of the designs in terms of:
- the business’ requirements
- how the design will cater for current and future traffic demand
- expected performance parameters
- estimated costs of network hardware and software proposed.
Complete Section 1 of your Portfolio and submit it to your assessor for feedback. Your assessor will provide you with feedback which you must review and then incorporate into your design.
12. Finalise design.
You are to finalise your ICT network architecture designs which will include:
- Your review of how the designs meet the client’s requirements.
- A report on the support and training that the client will need.
- Technical specifications and final pricing for the hardware and software required for the networks.
- Final network designs.
Complete Section 2 of your Portfolio and submit it to your assessor for approval. Your assessor will review your final designs and provide a final sign off (this will be in the form of marking your assessment as completed satisfactorily).
13. Submit your completed Project Portfolio.
- Make sure you have completed all sections of your Project Portfolio, answered all questions, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary.
- Submit to your assessor for marking.
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