ICTWEB305 Produce digital images for the web Summative Assignment
- Subject Code :
Question 1: Answer the following questions regarding identifying and describing, the industry standards and the copyright legislation relevant to digital images.
- Who governs and administers the copyright law in Australia? Answer in 20-40
- Are digital images automatically copyrighted? Explain the answer in your own 20-40
- What happens if you use copyrighted digital images without permission? Answer in 20- 40
- What is the purpose of copyright legislation? Answer in 20-40
- Explain Australian Photographic Digital Imaging Guidelines in your own 20-40
Question 2: Answer the following questions regarding organising photos
- What are the best ways to organise photos?
Question 3: Answer the following questions regarding describing the digital image formats and their application
- What are digital file formats? What is the purpose of having different digital file formats? Answer in 20-40 words.
- Which file format is best for printing purposes? Answer in 20-40
Question 4: Answer the following questions regarding identifying and summarising common digital image editing software.
- List five (5) photo editing software that professional photographers use?
- What are the four (4) basic editing elements to make a photo look professional? Identify and explain each element using 40-80
Question 5: Answer the following questions regarding purposes, specific functions, and key features of common digital systems and tools.
- Explain digital systems, their purposes, specific functions, and key features using 30-60
- Explain digital tools, their purposes, specific functions, and key features using 30-60
Question 6: Answer the following questions regarding organisational policies and procedures, including procedures for:
- accessing client briefs
- sourcing and saving digital images required web
- What should be included in a client brief according to organisational policies and procedures? Answer using 30-60
- What digital images can be used under fair dealing/fair use?