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INTM019CL Retail and Services Marketing

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Added on: 2022-08-20 00:00:00
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Regular Assignment: International Retail Marketing Analysis

The purpose of assessments (assignments, presentations, discussions, reports, and other methods) is to assess your level of knowledge and understanding of a particular subject area. Additionally, it assesses, amongst other things, your cognitive skill sets.

This assessment is the culmination of all the work so far in this module. Students are required to draw up an International Retail Marketing Analysis. You are encouraged to refer to current and reliable sources and support your analysis with evidence, for example, images, pictures, or any physical evidence of the selected retailer.

Your role will be as a Retail Marketing Analyst in this assignment. You are required to present your answer in a report format and be able to apply the learning from this module within their report.

In order to present a well-constructed report, you must carry out a thorough evaluation of your chosen company's local and international Retail marketing activities and that of its key competitors, as well as investigate the latest trends and developments within its particular sector.

An analytical report (analysis and recommendations) should be presented to your chosen company's senior marketing team, using the standard Report format, and presented to your tutor for assessment through the usual channels.

The report must include:

  1. Title Page
  2. Table of Contents: A listing of the major parts of your report and the appropriate page numbers.
  3. An executive summary (not included in the word count). No more than one page.
  4. Introduction: A brief synopsis of the report, usually one or two paragraphs in length.
  5. Body of Report: A description of the work assignment. Illustrations, graphs, charts, and sketches are properly part of the report and may be placed throughout the text or included in an appendix and referenced.
  6. Recommendations
  7. Conclusion
  8. References
  9. Appendices
  • Uploaded By : Abhi
  • Posted on : July 04th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 303

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