Lung cancer GroupWork&Presentation Assessment
Assessment2-GroupWork&Presentation 30%
ThisassessmentitemisdesignedtocriticallyexaminetheadversehealthoutcomesthatareimpactingonthehealthofAboriginaland/orTorresStraitIslanderpeoples.Theonlinegroupdiscussionpostswillallowstudentstocommentonthelearntcoursematerialsandinteract,supportandgainknowledgefromtheir peersthroughevidence-basedpractice.
Step 1:
Students are required to pick a health concern (disease), that is a current burden of healthexperiencedbyAboriginalandTorres StraitIslanderpeoplefromthelistbelow.Youshouldchoose the topic you would like to research and a topic that you want to broaden yourknowledgeon.
- EarHealth(Otitis Media)
- EyeHealth(e.g.,Trachoma)
- infant mortality
- TypeIIDiabetes
- CardiovascularDisease(bespecificg.,RheumaticHeartDisease)
- Cancer (be specific g.,LungCancer)
- RespiratoryDisease(Bespecificg.,COPD)
- Alcoholism and SubstanceAbuse
- mental health
- ChronicKidneyDisease
(If you would like to research a different health concern that is not listed you must emailyour allocated tutor for approval and to be eligible to continue with Part A and Part B oftheassessmenttask).
Once you have chosen your topic, each student is to start a thread (post) about their chosentopicintheirallocated AssessmentdiscussiongrouponCanvas(thiscanbefoundinthe
Assignmentstabunder Assessment2PartA).
In your thread/post you are to begin brainstorming your chosen burden of health topic byansweringthefollowing three questions:
- What isyourchosendisease(burdenofhealth)experiencedbyAboriginaland/orTorresStrait Islanderpeoples?
- How does this burden of health impact the quality of life for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people? Answer this question from three perspectives -a statisticalview,healthoutcomes,anda cultural lens.
- Why are you interested inthis topic?
Youmustinclude correct APA7thacademic referencing.
NOTE: DO NOT useCreative Spirits or Australians Together as resources as these are culturally inappropriate.
Step 2:Once you have started your thread/post, you are to continue brainstorming (byadding posts to your thread) extra information needed to answer Part B. This can be simplyuploading journal articles or resources to support your learning with a brief explanation ofwhattheresourceis, andhowitsrelevant.
Students must add an additional 3 posts/resources to their thread to receive full marks in thissection.
Step 3:Students are to then collaborate with their peers within their allocated tutorialgroup. This will demonstrate interprofessional relationships by sharing resources andknowledge tobenefitAboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderpatients.
Studentsare torespondtoaminimumof3peer's threads/posts. Thiscanconsistofsharing a journal article/ resource and/or providing critical commentary on literature abouttheir chosen topic. This sharing must be relevant and useful to meet the requirement for fullmarks. (Simple comments such as Good topic choice or Thank you for sharing do notcountasresponses.Please referto the rubric).
To attain fullmarkin thiscomponent studentsarerequired to;
- Complete their initial post/thread answering all THREEquestions to a satisfactorylevel
- Respond to a minimum of THREEother students threads with useful resources and
(Due to the requirements of this section, it is strongly advised to begin working on these 1-2weekspriortoallowtimeforstudentstocontributeandrespondtothreads)
YouareaRegisteredNurseworkingonthewardinametropolitanhospitalandhave beentasked to create and conduct this weeks In-service for your colleagues. The topic thismonth is health concerns that are a current burden of health experienced by Aboriginaland/orTorresStrait Islanderpeoples.
deliver totheircolleagues inaneducationalpresentation.
You are to prepare an engaging PowerPoint presentation on your chosen health concernthat includes a 10-minute oral recording delivered in an educational manner. This can beattachedtoyourpresentationviaPowerPointasavoiceover toeachindividualslideORcanbe recorded onCanvasviaPanoptoORZoomandsubmitted online.
Thepresentationshouldinclude 6-8slidesasaguide,andmustcoverthefollowing:
- Title slide
- Acknowledgment of Country
- Introduction(Chosenhealth concernandwhyitisimportant)
- Background(Impactofdisease,fatality,risk factors,statistical support)
- Historical impact (Describe how history has impacted the health of Aboriginal andTorresStraitIslanderpeoplesinrelation tothe chosen burdenofhealth),
- Outcome (Why is culturally appropriate care important in this case? Is current practice working?)
- Education (Present and discuss ONE culturally appropriate health promotionprogramorresourcespecifictoyourchosenburdenofhealth)
- Reference slide(APA7thacademicreferencingstyle)
Eachaspectshouldbedonerespectfully,andsupportedbycontemporary,relevantliterature (withinthelast 10years).