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Managing People for Performance Assessment

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Added on: 2023-04-19 09:59:42
Order Code: 488999
Question Task Id: 0

Answer the following question :

1. What are the processes of performance management?

1) How does the management conduct an environmental analysis? What do they identify as internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) trends?

2) How do managers engage employees, and motivate them to go above and beyond the call of duty to exhibit exceptional performance? (optional)

3) What kind of training program is organized by the organization that allows supervisors to increase confidence in their skills to manage the performance management processes and consequently allow them to minimize rating errors? (optional) 11

4) How does the organization gather each employees performance information, analyze, release the results, and reward the employees? (optional)

5) How do the managers set the goals for employees? Are employees involved in decision-making? How does the management/you encourage creative decision-making within the organization? (IMPORTANT)

6) How do managers give feedback? How often? How do employees react to feedback? Is there a feedback culture in the company? What are the achievements and challenges? (IMPORTANT)

7) Suppose that the manager wants to change the organizations work culture. What sort of resistance would he/she expect from employees? How would he/she deal with this resistance? (optional)

8) What are the typical causes of the poor performance of employees, and what has been done to enhance their performance? Can you give some examples?

9) What sources of stress does this manager have in terms of performance management? How is it managed? What sources of stress do this managers employees have? What are the wellness programs that exist in this organization to enable employees to better deal with workplace stress or its consequences?

10)What does the manager think are some advantages/ challenges of performance management in his/her organization?

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 19th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 570

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