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NURS2016 Introduction To Nursing ResearchResearch

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Introduce the reader to your clinical research question and problem. Discuss briefly why it is important to improve the standard of care or practice in this area. Use evidence to support your writing.
(100 words)

Given its extensive frequency and negative effects on patient well-being, acute bronchitis is a frequent respiratory condition that poses a significant issue in healthcare. The topic of whether antibiotics help people with acute bronchitis feel better and recover more quickly is still very important (Smith et al., 2017). It carriesthe potential to improve treatment methods, cut down onantibiotic usage, and lessen the rising issue of antibiotic resistance. Thisanswersthequestion and showssignificant consequences for the way healthcare is provided. In order to solve this and maintain the effectiveness of antibiotic treatments, evidence-based decision-making becomes very essential.

Article 1 Overview:

Demonstrating your understanding of the studys aims, methodology, and the ethical considerations that were made.
(150 words)

The chosen research articles look closely at how well antibiotics work to treat acute bronchitis symptoms. The main goal is to see whether using antibiotics helps patients with acute bronchitis produce less sputum, have milder coughs, and take fewer sick days. The research used randomised controlled trials as their methodology, using placebo groups to isolate the effect of antibiotics. In order to ensure thorough data collection, patient demographics, medical history, and symptom intensity are also meticulously tracked. The informed consent procedure is clearly guided by ethical considerations, safeguarding participants' autonomy and wellbeing. By making comprehensive disclosures about potential advantages and disadvantages, guaranteeing patient confidentiality, and permitting voluntary participation, the research abided by ethical standards.

Data analysis and outcome measurement are also covered by ethical behaviour, assuring the validity of the findings and minimising harm. This synthesis sheds light on the thorough comprehension of the goals, methods, and ethical foundations underlying the investigations' execution.

Article 1 Evaluate:

Critically evaluate the study, the strengths and weaknesses of the study design that was chosen and the quality of the research.
(150 words)

The rigorous randomised controlled designs used in both research show strengths and improve internal validity by reducing bias. The distribution of placebo groups makes it possible to compare antibiotic and non-antibiotic treatments side by side. This design decision aids in establishing the causal links between interventions and results (Enck & Klosterhalfen, 2019). However, there are some areas where weaknesses exist. Due to strict inclusion criteria that can leave out patients from different patient categories, the generalizability of findings may be constrained. Self-reported symptom severity may also be biased and vulnerable to subjectivity.

Regarding adherence to ethical standards, thorough data collecting, and statistical analysis, the research's quality is remarkable (Haynes, 2019).

However, a significant drawback is the length of the follow-up period, as short-term results might not reflect long-term effects on the treatment of bronchitis. Although the studies uphold methodological rigour, fixing these issues could further improve the calibre and applicability of the research.

Article 2 Overview:

Demonstrating your understanding of the studys aims, methodology, and the ethical considerations that were made.
(150 words)

The focus of the selected research article is on examining how antibiotics can help to lessen the symptoms of acute bronchitis. The trials seek to determine whether antibiotics efficiently lessen sputum production, lessen the harshness of coughing, and cut down on sick days for those suffering from this ailment. Both studies use a systematic randomised controlled trial design that includes placebo-controlled groups as its methodology. This methodology is used to determine if taking antibiotics led to an improvement in symptoms. Ethics are of utmost importance, as seen by the emphasis placed on informed consent, maintaining participant anonymity, and reducing potential harm. The studies maintain the ethical norms of autonomy and beneficence by disclosing to participants any potential hazards and benefits.

Data collection, analysis, and reporting are all conducted in an ethical manner, which promotes the validity and dependability of the research findings. This comprehensive understanding sheds light on the studies' goals, approach, and adherence to moral principles.

Article 2 Evaluate:

Critically evaluate the study, the strengths and weaknesses of the study design that was chosen and the quality of the research.
(150 words)

Both studies' methodological approaches, which primarily use randomised controlled trials to evaluate the effect of antibiotics on acute bronchitis symptoms, are respectable qualities. Through the reduction of confounding variables and facilitation of causal inferences, this approach improves internal validity (Granholm et al., 2021). Placid groups are included to enable a thorough comparison of antibiotic and non-antibiotic therapies. The studies do, however, have certain drawbacks. Since patients with different characteristics might be excluded due to strict inclusion criteria, the external validity may be affected. Self-reported symptom assessments may also inject subjectivity and bias into the data. Both investigations adhere to ethical standards in terms of study quality by obtaining informed consent and protecting participant confidentiality. The dependability of the research is strengthened by the rigorous data collecting and statistical analyses (Janis, 2022).

However, a longer follow-up period might help us better understand how long the benefits thatwe see last. The quality and significance of the study's findings could be improved by addressing these limitations while preserving its advantages.

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  • Uploaded By : Mohit
  • Posted on : August 17th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 395

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