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NURS2037 Introduction to Alterations in Health Assignment

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1 About Health Variations 1 - Introduction to Alterations in Health

1.1 An Introduction to this Subject

Health Variations 1 utilises an evidence base to develop an understanding of pathophysiology, pharmacological interventions, and nursing care of people across the lifespan who are experiencing acute but usually resolvable alterations in health. A particular focus of this subject are the Australian National Health Priority Areas.

1.2 What is Expected of You

Study Load

A student is expected to study an hour per credit point a week. For example a 10 credit point Subject would require 10 hours of study per week. This time includes the time spent within classes during lectures, tutorials or practicals.

Note for Summer Terms: As Summer subjects deliver the same content and classes over a shorter period of time, the subjects are run in a more intensive mode. Regardless of the delivery mode, the study hours for each subject in Summer will be around 30 hours.


It is strongly recommended that students attend all scheduled learning activities to support their learning.

Online Learning Requirements

Subject materials will be made available on the Subject’s vUWS (E-Learning) site (https://vuws.westernsydney. edu.au/). You are expected to consult vUWS at least twice a week, as all Subject announcements will be made via vUWS. Teaching and learning materials will be regularly updated and posted online by the teaching team.

Special Requirements

Essential Equipment:

Access to an internet enabled device is essential in order to be able to: access program materials; to participate in discussion groups; and to access additional resources provided by the lecturer during the term. See http://www. westernsydney.edu.au/currentstudents/current_students/services_and_facilities/uwsonline_student_support for further information.

Legislative Pre-Requisites:

Not Applicable

Policies Related to Teaching and Learning

The University has a number of policies that relate to teaching and learning. Important policies affecting students include:

  • Assessment Policy
  • Bullying Prevention Policy and
  • Guidelines
  • Enrolment Policy
  • Examinations Policy
  • Review of Grade Policy
  • Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy
  • Disruption to Studies Policy
  • Student Misconduct Rule
  • Teaching and Learning - Fundamental Code

Academic Integrity and Student Misconduct Rule

Western cares about your success as a student and in your future career. Studying with academic integrity safeguards your professional reputation and your degree. All Western students must:

  • be familiar with the policies listed above;
  • apply principles of academic integrity;
  • act honestly and ethically in producing all academic work and assessment tasks; and
  • submit work that is their own and acknowledge any sources used in their work. Each time you submit an assessment, you will declare that you have completed it individually, unless it is a group assignment. In the case of a group assignment, each group member should be ready to document their individual contribution if needed. You will also declare that no part of your submission has been:
  • copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where appropriate acknowledgement is made in the assignment;
  • submitted by you in another (previous or current) assessment, except where appropriately acknowledged, and with prior permission from the Subject Coordinator;
  • made available to others in any form, where individual work is required;
  • written/produced for you by any other person.

The Student Misconduct Rule applies to all students of Western Sydney University including Western Sydney University programs taught by other education providers. You must not engage in academic, research or general misconduct as defined in the Rule or you may be subject to sanctions. The University considers submitting falsified documentation in support of requests to redo, resit or extend submissions, including sitting of deferred examinations, as instances of general misconduct.

More information on studying with integrity is available on the Study with Integrity webpage. It is your responsibility to apply these principles to all work you submit to the University.

Avoid using external ’support’ sites or other external help

To avoid the risk of your assignment being shared without your knowledge, do not upload your assignment to any external sites for spelling, grammar or plagiarism checks. Your safest option is to use the free services provided by Library Study Smart or Studiosity.

Avoid using any websites that:

  • allow sharing of assignments or other material
  • reward sharing of material with credits, tokens; or access to additional materials/features/services;
  • provide answers to textbook or assignment/exam questions;
  • provide free sample assignments; and/or include order buttons and prices; and/or
  • invite you to submit your assignment for plagiarism or grammar or other checks.Engagement with academic cheating sites will be regarded as misconduct. Academic cheating services often market themselves as ’support’. Engagement with these sites includes:
  • Sharing assignments or course material;
  • Using online tools provided by these sites to check for plagiarism, grammar or spelling; and/or
  • Purchasing writing services, or obtaining a copy of an assignment.

your work to these sites may lead to your work being shared with others with or without your knowledge and consent.

The Australian Government monitors current and past students’ use of academic cheating services, and may report student material found on these sites or other forms of engagement to universities. Current students with items found on academic cheating sites face sanctions under the Student Misconduct Rule.

Outcomes for graduates may include revocation of award. For more information seehttps://www.westernsydney.edu.au/currentstudents/current_students/student_misconduct_rule.

More advice can be found on the Study with Integrity webpage. Need help?

If you are having difficulties with understanding or completing an assessment task, contact your Subject Coordinator as soon as possible. Western also has a range of academic support services, including:

– Library Study Smart: book a one-to-one Zoom consultation with a literacy expert. You can discuss how to develop your assignment writing and study skills or seek assistance to understand referencing and citation requirements. Check the Library Study Smart website for how-to study guides and tools.

– Studiosity: Upload your assignment draft to Studiosity within vUWS to receive writing feedback within 24 hours.

– Online workshops, programs and resources: From maths and stats help to academic literacy and peer support programs, the University has a range of resources to assist.

Please also remember that there is a range of wellbeing support available - from counselling and disability services to welfare.

1.3 Changes to Subject as a Result of Past Student Feedback

The University values student feedback in order to improve the quality of its educational programs. The feedback provided helps us improve teaching methods and Subjects of study. The survey results inform Subject content and design, learning guides, teaching methods, assessment processes and teaching materials.

You are welcome to provide feedback that is related to the teaching of this Subject. At the end of the semester you will be given the opportunity to complete a Student Feedback on Subject (SFU) questionnaire to assess the Subject. You may also have the opportunity to complete a Student Feedback on Teaching (SFT) questionnaire to provide feedback for individual teaching staff.

2.1 Subject Learning Outcomes

This Subject will contribute to completion of program level outcomes, Western Sydney University graduate attributes and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Registered Nurse Standards for Practice. Program level learning outcomes can be accessed on your Subject vUWS Home Page.

The Health variations 1 Subject is part of the Bachelor of Nursing program. The Subject provides the foundation for developing comprehensive, coherent and connected knowledge in the nursing discipline and introduces and develops interaction skills which will be required by graduates in their work environments. Learning outcomes for the subject are outlined below:


1 Recognise and respond appropriately to physiological changes associated with alterations in health of people across the lifespan

2 Utilise evidence to support decision making for safe, person-centred care

3 Explain the role of the nurse when caring for a person during the perioperative period

4 Justify the selection and prioritisation of nursing care with a person experiencing an alteration in health

5 Explain safe and effective use of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions with a person experiencing an alteration in health

6 Discuss the Australian National Health Priority Areas as they relate to person centred care

2.2 Approach to Learning

1. Blended Learning

It is an expectation of this Subject that you will fully engage with the online learning and teaching resources that have been designed to be dynamic and interactive before attending each class either online or face to face. Blended learning activities have been embedded throughout the Subject content to enhance the student learning experiences through the use of tutorials, clinical practice Subjects, audio visual material, small group work, and online quiz material. Access to a computer and the internet is essential in order to be able to: access subject materials; to participate in discussion groups; and to access additional resources provided by the lecturer during the term.

Seehttp://www.westernsydney.edu.au/currentstudents/current_students/services_and_facilities/uwsonline_student_ support for further information.

2. Tutorial/Workshop/Seminar

Tutorials have been developed as the forum for engaged discussion, clarification and expansion of your learning. A tutorial/workshop/seminar is a small group activity that enables you to have lecture content explained by the tutor if required. You will then be able to apply, explore and debate the content through interactive learning activities with other students.

2.3 Assessment Summary

The assessment items in this Subject are designed to enable you to demonstrate that you have achieved the Subject learning outcomes. Completion and submission of all assessment items which have been designated as mandatory or compulsory is essential to receive a passing grade.

To pass this Subject you must:

Achieve at least 50% when all assessment marks are totalled AND

Complete and submit all assessments at the required time and to the required academic standard AND

Attend 80% of classes

Second Year Subjects with 80% Compulsory Attendance Requirements:

80% attendance at all classes is required throughout the semester, i.e., students studying second year subjects must attend 7 of the 9 classes to achieve satisfactory attendance.

Students who experience a significant and unavoidable event and are unable to attend 80% of classes (i.e., miss 3 classes) must submit either; a Request for Extension, or Missed Compulsory Activity application with supporting documentation, or a Disruption to Studies application (if effected for more than 3 days) with supporting documentation. Please contact your Subject Coordinator as soon as possible if an unavoidable emergency has occurred and you are not able to submit Disruption to Studies application within five working days of the disruption commencing.

If classes are missed, you will be required to submit the missed work to your tutor as instructed by the Subject Coordinator.

Attendance for online classes

In addition to the above:

To be marked present for online classes, students must have their cameras turned on for the duration of the class. If turning on your camera is not possible, you should not register in online classes.


Feedback on Assessment

Feedback is an important part of the learning process that can improve your progress towards achieving the learning outcomes. Feedback is any written or spoken response made in relation to academic work such as an assessment task, a performance or product. It can be given to you by a teacher, an external assessor or student peer, and may be given individually or to a group of students. As a Western Sydney University student, it is your responsibility to seek out and act on feedback that is provided to you as a resource to further your learning.

2.4.1 Quiz


http://www.westernsydney.edu.au/currentstudents/current_students/services_and_facilities/uwsonline_student_ support for further information.

2. Tutorial/Workshop/Seminar

Tutorials have been developed as the forum for engaged discussion, clarification and expansion of your learning. A tutorial/workshop/seminar is a small group activity that enables you to have lecture content explained by the tutor if required. You will then be able to apply, explore and debate the content through interactive learning activities with other students.

Academic Integrity

By opening and commencing the online quiz assessment students acknowledge and agree to the following:

- Copying another person’s answers or improperly obtaining answers to questions in the assessment is not permitted (please see Student Misconduct Rule).

- Communicating during the assessment with other people is not permitted (please see Student Misconduct Rule).

- Making a copy/photograph of any part of the assessment (including questions and/or answers) is not permitted (please see Student Misconduct Rule).

- By taking this assessment the student agrees to the conditions outlined for the assessment and are bound by University Policies governing academic integrity.

Technical difficulties during the assessment/quiz

- If you experience technical problems whilst attempting the on-line quiz, please contact the IT Service Desk on (02) 98525111 or email itservicedesk@westernsydney.edu.au .

- IMPORTANT - You will need to lodge an IT ticket for any technical difficulties during your assessment. This will constitute evidence that you had genuine technical difficulties

- Other evidence such as NBN network issues, or notification of an internet outage, can also be documented as part of your communication to the Subject Coordinator. Documentation can include screenshots of your technical error message, along with the IT ticket that has been lodged.

- Students must then contact the Subject Coordinator on the Subject email address: NURS2037@westernsydney.edu.au with evidence of technical difficulties during the assessment period.

- The Subject Coordinator will assess your evidence of technical difficulties and provide you with further instructions.

- No technical difficulties will be considered after the quiz has closed. For all other problems, please follow Western Sydney University procedures to apply for Disruption of Studies.

- If a Disruption of Studies is accepted, a supplementary quiz assessment will be offered in a week to be notified by the Subject Coordinator.


Assessments listed as individual assessments must be completed independently. Students are advised to refer back to their notes, textbooks or appropriate academic, peer-reviewed resources utilised during subject delivery

2.4.2 Poster

Aim of assessment

The aim of this assessment is to enable students to complete the concept map using evidence based information from relevant literature.

Word Count

There is a word limit of 600 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 600 words plus 10%.


You will be required to develop a concept map on Diverticulitis.

A concept map template is provided for students for this assessment. The concept map template can be located via the Subject vUWS site under the Assessment Zone.


Refer to Section 2.5 of the Learning Guide- General Submission Requirements Submit your assessment through Turnitin Answers are to be written in a formal academic tone, without the use of colloquial or slang words. Answers are to be written in the third person (he/she/it or they/them/their). Do not use I/my/our/your.

Answers are to be written clearly and concisely using correct spelling and grammar. All answers must include in-text references and a reference list must be included. The reference list is not included in the word limit.


All assignments are to be typed Typing must be according to the following format:

3 cm left and right margins. Font: Times New Roman Font size: 11 or 12pt

Submission Requirements

1. Electronic copy only. Students are to submit an electronic copy of the assessment. Students are not required to submit the original hard copy of their assessment on campus

2. Submit your assessment electronically through the Turnitin link on the Subject vUWS site.

3. Students are to upload the assessment with the following title;
Surname_Firstname_assessment title

4. Your assessment must be submitted in .doc, docx format.

5. This assessment is marked online; no paper copy will be accepted. Marks, comments and the marking criteria will be released online. If you do not receive your marked assessment when all others have been returned, it is your responsibility to contact the Subject Coordinator for assistance.


i. A minimum of 5 references are to be used for this assessment

ii. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may assist you. Please refer to the Subject’s vUWS site for specific Subject resources

iii. Assessments listed as individual assessments must be completed independently. Students are advised to refer back to their notes, textbooks or appropriate academic, peer-reviewed resources utilised during subject delivery

2.4.3 Case Study


Aim of assessment

The aim of this assessment is to enable students to complete the short answer questions using evidence based information from relevant literature.

Word Count

There is a word limit of 1200 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1200 words plus 10%.

Case Study with three (3) Short Answer Questions

Anne is a 45-year-old woman who has been admitted to your ward and is scheduled for a left radical mastectomy. Anne’s mother died from breast cancer aged 62 years. Anne began menstruating at the age of 11 years. She is currently peri menopausal. She began taking the oral contraceptive pill when she was 19 years old.

Anne lives a sedentary lifestyle. Her BMI is 34 kg/m?2;. Anne eats a healthy diet of varied organic foods. Despite her family history Anne does not conduct regular self-breast examinations. She has infrequent mammograms, not annually as recommended. During a recent doctor’s visit, a lump was found on palpation by her GP in the upper left quadrant of Anne’s left breast. An urgent breast ultrasound and biopsy was ordered. The sentinel node biopsy returned a positive result. Anne was diagnosed with a stage IIIA breast adenocarcinoma. After consultation with the breast surgeon and the breast care Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC), Anne elected to have a left radical mastectomy.

Anne’s surgery went as planned and she has not experienced any postoperative complications. Anne was ordered I.V. 2.5mg to 5mg Morphine every 4-6 hours for pain relief. Anne reports she has a pain level of 2/10. Anne’s expected hospital length of stay is 5 days if no complications occur. The Breast Care CNC has visited Anne on several occasions to offer support and clinical education.

In addressing the Australian National Health Priority Area of Cancer Control, use a person-centred care approach to respond to the following:

Question 1: Discuss one (1) non-pharmacological nursing comfort measure you can undertake to help manage Anne’s postoperative pain during the first 72 hours after surgery.

Question 2: Explain the pathogenesis of lymphoedema that may occur postoperatively for Anne who has undergone axillary lymph node removal during her breast cancer surgery.

Question 3: Discuss one (1) nursing care intervention that you can undertake to help minimise lymphoedema symptoms for Anne.


- Each question should be answered separately.

- Answers are to be written in a formal academic tone without colloquial or slang words.

- Answers are to be written in the third person (he/she or they/them/their). Do not use I/my/our/your.

- Answers are to be written clearly and concisely using correct spelling and grammar and written in complete sentences and paragraphs.

- Bullet points are NOT acceptable.

- All answers MUST include in-text references and a reference list must be included at the end of the assessment.

- The reference list is NOT included in the word limit.


Refer to Section 2.5 of the Learning Guide- General Submission Requirements Submit your assessment through Turnitin.


All assignments are to be typed.

Typing must be according to the following format:

3 cm left and right margins, double spaced.

Font: Arial or Times New Roman Font size: 12pt

Submission Requirements

1. Electronic copy only. Students are to submit an electronic copy of the assessment. Students are not required to submit the original hard copy of their assessment on campus

2. Submit your assessment electronically through the Turnitin link on the Subject vUWS site.

3. Students are to upload the assessment with the following title; Surname_Firstname_assessment title

4. Your assessment must be submitted in .doc, docx format.

5. This assessment is marked online; no paper copy will be accepted. Marks, comments and the marking criteria will be released online. If you do not receive your marked assessment when all others have been returned, it is your responsibility to contact the Subject Coordinator for assistance.


i. A minimum of 5 references are to be used for this assessment.

ii. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may assist you. Please refer to the Subject’s vUWS site for specific Subject resources

iii. Assessments listed as individual assessments must be completed independently. Students are advised to refer back to their notes, textbooks or appropriate academic, peer-reviewed resources utilised during Subject delivery

2.5 General Submission Requirements


; All assignments must be submitted by the specified due date and time.

Complete your assignment and follow the individual assessment item instructions on how to submit. You must keep a copy of all assignments submitted for marking.


– The Turnitin plagiarism prevention system may be used within this Subject. Turnitin is accessed via logging into vUWS for the Subject. If Turnitin is being used with this Subject, this means that your assignments have to be submitted through the Turnitin system. Turnitin is a web-based text-matching software that identifies and reports on similarities between documents. It is also widely utilised as a tool to improve academic writing skills. Turnitin compares electronically submitted papers against the following:

Current and archived web: Turnitin currently contains over 24 billion web pages including archived pages

Student papers: including Western Sydney University student submissions since 2007

Scholarly literature: Turnitin has partnered with leading content publishers, including library databases, text-book publishers, digital reference collections and subscription-based publications (e.g. Gale, Proquest, Emerald and Sage)

Turnitin is used by over 30 universities in Australia and is increasingly seen as an industry standard. It is an important tool to assist students with their academic writing by promoting awareness of plagiarism. By submitting your work using this link you are certifying that:

You hold a copy of this submission if the original is lost or damaged.

No part of this submission has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the submission.

No part of this submission has been submitted by you in another (previous or current) assessment, except where appropriately referenced, and with prior permission from the teacher/tutor/supervisor/Subject Coordinator for this subject.

No part of this submission has been written/produced for you by any other person except where collaboration has been authorised by the teacher/tutor/supervisor/Subject Coordinator concerned.

You are aware that this submission will be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software programs for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its database for future plagiarism checking).

You are aware that this submission may be de-identified and reproduced in part or in full as an example for future students.

You will not make this submission available to any other person unless required by the University.


You are to ensure that no part of any submitted assignment for this Subject or product has been submitted by yourself in another (previous or current) assessment from any Subject, except where appropriately referenced, and with prior permission from the Lecturer/Tutor/Subject Coordinator of this Subject.

Late Submission

If you submit a late assessment, without receiving approval for an extension of time, (see next item), you will be penalised by 10% per day for up to 10 days. In other words, marks equal to 10% of the assignment’s weight will be deducted from the mark awarded.

For example, if the highest mark possible is 50, 5 marks will be deducted from your awarded mark for each late day.

Saturday and Sunday are counted as one calendar day each.

Assessments will not be accepted after the marked assessment task has been returned to students.

This is consistent with Western Sydney University’s Assessment Policy

Extension of Due Date for Submission

A student may apply for an extension of the due date for an assessment task if extenuating circumstances outside their control, and sufficiently grave in nature or duration, cause significant disruption to their capacity to study effectively.

To apply for an extension of assessment, please go to https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/currentstudents/current_ students/forms for guidance on how to lodge a request for consideration by the Subject Coordinator/Convenor.

Extension requests can be lodged before, on or no later than 5.00pm two working days after the due date of the assessment task.

Application forms must be submitted to the Subject Coordinator/Convenor. Requests for extension should be made as early as possible and submitted within policy deadlines. Appropriate, supporting documentation must be submitted with the application. An application for an extension does not automatically mean that an extension will be granted. Assessments will not be accepted after the marked assessment task has been returned to students.


Resubmission of assessment items will not normally be granted if requested.

Disruption to Studies

It is strongly recommended that you attend all scheduled learning activities to support your learning. The University will provide students who have experienced a serious and unavoidable disruption to their studies a Disruption to Studies provision, which is an opportunity to demonstrate that you have met the learning outcomes for the subject.

To be eligible for a Disruption to Studies Provision, the disruption must impact your studies for at least three consecutive days. More information, including how to apply for a Disruption to Studies, can be found on the University website https://www.westernsydney.edu.au/currentstudents/current_students/services_and_facilities/ special_consideration

Supplementary Assessments

A student may be eligible to apply for a supplementary assessment after the official notification of final Subject results. Please see the Procedures Section of the WSU Assessment Policyfor details of eligibility and the application process.

3 Teaching and Learning Activities

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  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more