NURS3002 Inquiry for Nursing Leadership Assessment
- Subject Code :
This assessment 1000words (+/- 10%)requires you toidentify pertinentelements of the five rights of clinical reasoning in relation to the case scenarioprovided. You are required to integrate theory, demonstrateanalysis using evidence andincludeotherpertinentliteraturetosupportyouranswers.
AccordingtoLevettetal(2009),Clinicalreasoningistheprocessutilisedbynursesto collect cues, process the information, come to an understanding of a patient problemor situation, plan and implement interventions, evaluate outcomes, and reflect on andlearn from the process. Effective clinical reasoning depends upon the nurses ability tocollect the right cues and to take the right action for the right patient at the right timeand for the right reason. Please use the word template document provided onBlackboardforthisassessment.
View thevideoprovided:NursingSimulationScenario-Medicalerror
Put yourself in the role of the nurse in this scenario: You are a Semester 6 nursing studentcaringforthispatientwhilston clinicalplacement.
UsetheworddocumenttemplateprovidedonBlackboardunderAssessment2folder.CASE STUDYQUESTIONS:
- gathertherightcues
- gathertherightpatientinformation
- makerighttimedecisions
- taketherightaction
- makedecisionsfortherightreason
Reflect on these from the point of view of a Semester 6 nursing student on your clinicalplacement:
- Right cues: Acquisition of cues can be influenced by many factors including the expertiseand working knowledge of the decision maker, anxiety, confidence and time pressures. Cuesrefer to available patient information (for example, handover reports, patient history,patient charts, results of investigations and nursing/medical assessments previouslyundertaken), currentclinical assessmentdata,andalsothe recallofThis
includes a broad and deep knowledge of physiology, pathophysiology, pharmacology,epidemiology, therapeutics, culture, context of care, ethics and law etc. as well as anunderstandingofevidencebasedpractice.
- Right patient: Refers to a patient at risk of critical illness and/or a serious adverse event.Nursing students need to learn how to identify and prioritise patients in need of immediate Any early or late warning signs. Please note: For this assessment students do not needto prioritise alongside other patients or create additional fictitious or imaginary patients tocompareto(asdetailsofotherpatients aren'tprovidedinthe assessment)
- Right time: Refers to a nurses ability to identify clinically at-risk patients in a timelymanner and to undertake nursing interventions at the right time and in the right sequence.Failure to rescue occurs not only when early signs and symptoms fail to be recognised oractedupon,butalso whennursing/medicalinterventionsarestartedtoo
- Right action: Nursing action is defined as the behaviour following on from a judgementor decision. This stage of the CR cycle is comprised of practical skills, intellectual activitiesand communication skills. The nurse has to decide which part of the plan takes priority, whois best placed to undertake the nursing action/s, which procedures and policies are involved,whoshouldbenotifiedand
- Right reason: Multiple implications. In this context, right does not only mean that thecorrect reasoning processes have been employed but also that the reasoning is ethical, legaland professional. The right reason does not apply just to the process of reasoning; it isabout the underpinning rationale. Consequently, when discussing this right these otherdimensionsneed
Providereferencestosupportyourstatementsthroughoutyourpaper.AlsorefertoMarkingrubricforthis assessment.
Levett-Jones, T. et al. (2010). The five rights of clinical reasoning: An educational model toenhancenursingstudentsabilitytoidentifyandmanageclinicallyatriskpatients5rightsofclinicalreasoning.NurseEducationToday,30:515-520.
- UsetheworddocumenttemplateprovidedonBlackboardunderAssessment2folder
- Youdonotneedacoverpageorcontentspage
- Youareencouraged tousescholarlyarticlesabouttheYoucanalsorefertorelevant learning materials utilised in your IPE workshop and within the unitlearningmodules
- Youdonotneedtoincludeanintroductionorconclusion
- WordcountDOESNOTincludetheendreferencelist
- WordcountsDOESincludeeverythingelse:content,in-textcitations,headings,tablesandquotes
- Citations withintextandreferencelistshouldconform toAPA7thEdformat
- Recommendusingatleast10referencesthroughoutthepaper, publishedwithin
- Studentscanusefirstpersonpointofviewwhereneeded
- ReferencingandformattingasperAPA7thedition format
- Includethewordcountattheendofyourpaper
1.Right cues (Approx. 200 words) |
In relation to the scenario provided, identify and outline factors influencing the student nurses ability/capacity to gather the right cues. Provide references to support your statements. |
2.Right patient (Approx. 200 words) |
In relation to the scenario provided, identify and outline factors influencing the student nurses ability/capacity to gather the right patient information. Provide references to support your statements. |
3.Right time (Approx. 200 words) |
In relation to the scenario provided, identify and outline factors influencing the student nurses ability/capacity to make right time decisions. Provide references to support your statements. |
4.Right action (Approx. 200 words) |
In relation to the scenario provided, identify and outline factors influencing the student nurses ability/capacity to take the right action. Provide references to support your statements. |
5.Right reason (Approx. 200 words) |
In relation to the scenario provided, identify and outline factors influencing the student nurses ability/capacity to make decisions for the right reason. Provide references to support your statements. Word Count = |
References (10 minimum) |
Use APA 7thedition format - Reference list to commence on next page |