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Prepare a business report that deconstructs an organisation's business model

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Added on: 2022-12-07 10:00:29
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You are required to prepare a business report that deconstructs an organisation's business model and identifies the critical success factors that make the business sustainable. To undertake this analysis you will need to explore different business models, including those that are frequently seen to achieve sustainable success and high levels of profitability. Your analysis will demonstrate your critical thinking skills and your ability to professionally articulate your findings. Before commencing, you must seek your lecturer's approval to undertake an analysis of the business you have chosen.

The type of organisation that should be identified for study is one that is relatively new, innovative in how they operate, and have most likely been established in the last five years. No students will be allowed to examine the same business. While the assignment is an individual one, you are encouraged to discuss with your colleagues the variety of business models that have become popular and why you think they have been successful. To achieve a result that meets your study objectives, please ensure the business report addresses each of the assessment criteria detailed below and which is elaborated in the marking rubric.

This assignment will be marked along the following criteria:

1. Provides a succinct description of the business, the industry in which it operates, the market(s) it serves, and the products and services it provides

2. Describes the business model canvas of the selected business using the nine building blocks

3. Explains the key relationships that exist across the nine building blocks

4. Identifies and discusses the critical success factors the business has to get right to achieve sustainable success

5. Evaluates what will contribute to downside risk

6. Discusses the changes you would make to the business model if this was your business (10%)

7. Quality of critical thinking (ability to critically evaluate evidence, and demonstrate the ability to identify strengths and weaknesses logically)

8. Quality of communications (ability to clearly and professional deliver information both from the scholarly and non-scholarly sources and maintain a clear line of argument)

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 07th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 208

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