Prepare a report for Building Management Systems (BMS) to help them save money through better monitoring and control.
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You have been employed by a medium-sized building services engineering firm. One of their potential clients, a property developer, and management company that owns a number of commercial and multi-occupancy residential properties is interested in the potential of Building Management Systems (BMS) to help them save money through better monitoring and control. Before hiring your firm to undertake the design and specification of BMS for their properties, they require further information and would like an example design.
Your employer has given you the responsibility of preparing this information for the client. You are asked to prepare a report, explaining the following:
- An in-depth evaluation of BMS explaining the principles of BMS and the different approaches to system integration.
- How BMS may integrate with existing technologies.
- show techniques for monitoring energy performance and how control and monitoring can improve the energy efficiency of the building. (create a data sheet to record energy costs and usage)
- For two given buildings (one which incorporates a BMS and one that does not) compare the differences in energy costs and usage data.
- justify recommendations for a BMS for the building which does not has a BMS.
- Research and analyze the differences between domestic and non-domestic BMS in terms of hardware and software.
- How BMS may optimize cost and energy efficiency should include:
- an example energy cost assessment for two comparable buildings
- an example of a BMS or building management technology that could improve the buildings' performance.
- The differences between BMS for domestic and non-domestic buildings.
In addition to, and utilizing information from the report, you are asked to develop a proposal for the integration of a BMS into one of the client's large multi-occupancy domestic properties.
You have been provided with drawings and current data for the properties available.
Your design proposal should:
- compare different BMS technologies, and justify the selections that are proposed
- indicate the cost for installation of the BMS
- provide manufacturers' supporting information, as necessary
- indicate key locations of sensors and explain the reasoning for these locations.
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