diff_months: 21

Prepare A Research Proposal For Professional Research And Communication

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Added on: 2023-05-19 06:44:12
Order Code: clt315125
Question Task Id: 0


The purpose of this assessment is to enable students to demonstrate a critical awareness of previous research in an IT context within a chosen topic area through a basic understanding of research theory and techniques. It requires clear communication of ideas in a professional manner so that the reader can easily understand the purpose and results of your research. Overall goals of this assignment are to help you to:

  • Become more knowledgeable about finding and using varied research sources in your chosen area in IT.
  • Further develop your critical thinking skills and back up your points with evidence.
  • Become more adept at synthesizing information and developing informed views.
  • Discipline yourself to follow a scholarly research format to document in-text sources and a references page (bibliography).
  • Compose a well-organized, clear, concise, research paper to expand your knowledge on a research question in your chosen area.

You will work on this report individually.

You are responsible for identifying your own topic for this proposal. You may use the same topic as for your earlier interim proposal, but the proposal submitted for this task should be considerably better developed and more detailed.

Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:


K1. Determine the role IT research plays in contributing to organisational innovation, and success.

K2. Critique advanced communication theory for organisations.

K3. Identify appropriate research philosophies for IT projects, which match organisational approaches.

K4. Identify appropriate methodologies and methods, for an organisational IT research project.


S1. Utilise effective communication practice in organisations.

S2. Demonstrate expert English language skills in academic and professional contexts.

S3. Evaluate the quality and utility of literature sourced.

S4. Undertake a literature review for an organisational IT research project.

Application of knowledge and skills:

A1. Compose a research proposal and report on a topic related to an organisational IT research project.

A2. Present written and oral reports to academic and organisational audiences.

Assessment Details


The mini research report provides a detailed description of a proposed research idea. It is similar to an essay and needs to be in a formal style with introduction, body and conclusion. In addition it requires a critical analysis and a coherent presentation.


Each individual student or group is required to submit a mini research proposal (around 3000 words excluding the title, abstract, table of contents and references/bibliography). The purpose of this task is to assist students to prepare and write a scholarly paper at an appropriate standard for this level of study.

You have already done quite a bit of work for this research in tutorials: you should have a tentative research issue, strategies and evidence to persuade your readers about the significance of the problem youre researching, as well as the validity of your research issues. You also should consider opposing views or good counter-arguments that you can address in order to help establish your credibility and enhance the relevance of your paper.

Report Layout

The research proposal must contain the following sections, submitted in the order as listed below-

  • Title selection of an informative title
  • Abstract - summarization of the significant concepts in the study focusing on key aspects (major results and conclusions)
  • Table of Contents.
  • Introduction outline of the thesis, problem, question, etc. (stating the thesis/theory in terms of relationship among variables and examining the problem or investigating the question, or the like) and preview of the structure of the paper.
  • Literature Review- demonstration of the ability to find significant sources, familiarity with the existing body of knowledge, analysis of existing research, and learning through a careful reading of existing scholarship.
  • Methodology - procedures and processes planned for your study including the research design study type, variables, and data collection and analysis methods (as applicable).
  • Discussion and implications of research Discuss with reasons whether your study needs Ethics clearance. Discuss findings that might occur and their potential impact on the field

Important Notes

  • Your chosen topic must relate to information technology. Submissions which do not relate to IT will receive a mark of zero.
  • Your proposal must actually propose a research project. It is not sufficient to propose research consisting only of a review of the literature - if you do this you will receive zero marks for the Methodology section. You must describe a method for data-gathering - either a quantitative experiment, or surveys, interviews etc. If you propose surveys or interviews you must detail and justify the questions which will be asked, describe the population to which the conclusions will apply, and explain your sampling approach.

Note: Students are required to follow the general guide to Referencing, Writing and other relevant Study Skills.
[For distribution of marks, see the Marking Criteria at the end of this document]

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : May 19th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 227

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  • Journals
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
  • Books
  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more