Principles of Sustainability On Climate Change
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Your task is to write a report that examines the ways in which climate change is predicted to impact your home city. What you consider to be your home city should be the one closest to your heart it is not necessary to be where you were born or have lived the longest.
The basic changes that you must cover are changes in precipitation, sea level, humidity, wind, and temperature. Your report must cover social impacts, and you have to integrate regional considerations including water supplies, food supplies, and refugee movements. You should include the readily apparent adaptations or actions briefly that are taken likely to mitigate the impacts but this is not the primary focus of the task.
Climate change projections are typically discussed against a series of different reference years (e.g. 2030, 2050, 2100) because some regions will experience different impacts at different times (rather than just increasing the severity of each) so make sure your report considers this variability over at least two of the projected times.
If your home city has already developed a climate change risk assessment or adaptation plan, your report should find a different angle to consider the issue from. It is not acceptable to take a single report as your only reference source. If you feel the amount of work already completed for your chosen city leaves you no room for originality, then you may wish to choose a different city that you're familiar with.
Your report should total 1500 words +? 10% (excluding bibliography), but keep in mind the effectiveness of images, diagrams, and maps in communicating complex information. It must be succinctly written, i.e. it must communicate a large amount of information using the limited number of words youre permitted.
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