Propagating Supersonic Aircraft Noise Over Long Distances (Fortran And MATLAB)
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JP1:1. Propagating supersonic aircraft noise over long distances (Fortran and MATLAB)
The estimation of noise from supersonic civil transport aircraft is key to designing environmentally acceptable air vehicles operating at supersonic speeds. One important contribution to the noise signature is jet noise. This adds to the shock wave system created by the aircraft advancing supersonic speed. The waves combine, due to their high amplitude non-linear propagation characteristics, into an N wave, which is perceived at long distances on the ground as a sonic boom. A propagation model for such waves is by the Burgers equation, which can be solved either in the time domain or in the frequency domain. The aim of this project is to perform simulations using either the original Fortran code, or by re-casting the code in MATLAB, using different combinations of starting waves, representing different airframe shapes, and thrust regimes.
Number of Students: 2
Primary Project Area: Programming, Aeronautical