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Python-Programming Coursework Assessment

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Added on: 2023-04-08 07:44:15
Order Code: 488244
Question Task Id: 0

Contents and Percentage Distribution:

The details of important components of assignment and their constriction for the marking of this assignment are as below.






Percentage Distribution (if any)


Basic Details









Reading CSV File

10 %


Displaying Menu



Adding Filters



Printing Names



Graphing Results



Reset Filters



Coding Standards



User Documentation and Report



*All time details mentioned are in UCT+8 time zone standard

*Read the complete document and submission requirements before start working on it.

*This is an open book open computer/internet assessment however, any direct code copying form unacceptable links/repositories will be subjected as an academic integrity issue.

1 Overview

You are a freelance Data Analyst. You are required to analyse the dataset of video games sale and generate a detailed report on popularity and in market rating of the game. More details on the dataset provided can be found here: https://www.kaggle.com

/datasets/gregorut/videogamesales. You should use the dataset provided on the unit Moodle page. The assessment has two parts as (a) coding part and (b) documentation and report. All parts have marks assigned an should be completed as per description provided for each part.

Note: use the cleaned data provide on the unit Moodle page

 2 Specifications

The coding portion of this assignment is broken up into four main tasks. There is also a report. section of the assignment. The four main coding tasks are:

  1. Readinggames sale data stored in the csv file.
  2. Displayinga menu asking the user what filters user want to apply to the 
  3. Displayingthe data matched by the set filters as a graph or by printing to the 
  4. Resetfilter by removing all the filters that has been applied.

2.1 Reading CSV File (10%)

The GamesSales.csv file contains all the details of the games and sales considered by the company as a comma-separated value (CSV) file. Before going on to the next tasks you’ll need to read this file and store this data in a list or an array. Discuss which option you chose and why in the User Documentation.

There are 9 attributes that describe a given game shown in the GamesSales.csv file, they are:

  • Name:In market name of the 
  • Platform:The gaming platform for the game is designed (e.g., x360 PS5)
  • Year: Yearof release.
  • Genre:Category based on recent games  (e.g., Sports)
  • Publisher:Agency responsible for publication of the 
  • NA_Sales:Sales in North America (in millions).
  • EU_Sales:.Sales in Europe (in millions).
  • JP_Sales:Sales in Japan (in millions).
  • Other_Sales:Sales in the rest of the world (in millions)
  • Global_Score:Total worldwide 
  • Critic_Score:Critic score given to each 
  • Critic_Count:Number critic contributed for the 
  • User_Score:User rating for each 
  • User_Count:Number of users contributed to the 
  • Developer:The name of 
  • Raring:Overall market 

2.2 Displaying a Menu (04%)

Once you have read in the data from the file, your next task is to display a menu asking the user which of the following options they wish to perform:

  1. Addfilters: User select a smaller portion (based on filters) of data to print or 
  2. Printnames: Prints the names and descriptions (attributes) of the filtered games (based on the filter).
  3. Graphdata: Graphs the filtered data (based on the filters).
  4. Resetfilters: Removes all the applied 
  5. Exit:Exits the program.

2.3 Adding Filters (20%)

This menu option allows the user to add filters to the data read in from the CSV file to help gain insights into the data. The user should have the ability to add filters on Platform, Genre, Year (range) Global_Score, and Rating. The user should be able to add filters on multiple of these attributes. This is how adding a filter to each attribute should work:

  • Year(range): The user is shown the range (minimum year and maximum year) of years the data is analysed and select one. Once the year is selected then the data selected should be used for any further filters’ application, printing/showing graph. All filters should be applied as a code (should not be hardcoded). In other words, if the data is changed (added a new attributes) in the file then program should display the updated details without you needing to change the code.
  • Platform: The user can choose a platform, only the game with platform (selected)should be used for any further filters or printing or showing graph. Different games should be selected from the file (based on data present), should not be hard coded.
  • Global_Score:The user can choose a Global_Score, only the games with Global_Score (selected) should be used for any further filters or printing or showing  Different games should be selected from the file (based on data present), should not be hardcoded.
  • Genre: The user can choose a Genre, only the games with Genre (selected) should beused for any further filters or printing or showing graph. Different games should be selected from the file (based on data present), should not be 
  • Rating (range): The user is shown the range (minimum value and maximum value)of rating the data is analysed and select one. Once the rating is selected then the data selected should be used for any further filters’ application, printing/showing  All filters should be applied as a code (should not be hardcoded). In other words, if the data is changed (added a new attributes) in the file then program should display the updated details without you needing to change the code.

2.4 Printing Names (05%)

This option should print names and descriptions (name, platform, year, etc) of the games remaining after the filters are set. No other information needs to be printed other than the name followed by the associated description.

2.5 Graphing the Results (20%)

This option should graph the data remaining after the filters are set. When the user chooses this option they should be asked what data they want to plot on the x-axis. The options are platform, year and genre. The y axis should always be the Global_Score and Rating for multiple sales details for a game (by platform, year and genre) only highest should be plotted/printed. The x- axis and y-axis should be labelled, and the graph should have a title. It is up to you as to 4 what type of graph you want to use to plot the data (bar, line, histogram, etc) but you should use at least 2 different types. Bear in mind that some graph types are better suited for different types of data. Explain in your User Documentation what graph types you used and why.

2.6 Reset filters (01%)

This option should remove all the filters that has been applied so users can now select new filters without quitting your program.

2.7 Coding Standard (10%)

Your code submission must conform to coding standards emphasised in the lectures and practicals. Your code should also make use of multiple functions to reduce code duplication. Your code should also follow the program layout structure on slide 52 of lecture 4. Note, your code won’t look the same as the code on that slide but the order of the sections should be the same. Remember, consistency is key!

2.8 Documentation and Report (30%)

You need to submit User Documentation as well as a Report, both of which should be in a doc/docx or pdf format.

2.8.1 Documentation

Your User Documentation will be a minimum of 2 pages long and should include the following:

  • Anoverview of each of your program's features.
  • Aguide on how to use your program.
  • Adiscussion of your code, explaining the features you implemented, how you implemented them and why you implemented them the way you 

The user documentation will be used and referred to by the programmers in the data analysis team at your ‘workplace’ to get an understanding of your code.

2.8.2 Report

Your report will be a mini-paper that is 2-3 pages long and should follow the structure of a standard academic report. This is what will be used by the data analysis team at your work to make decisions about the future of the company. As a result, this report should discuss the insights you found in the data using your program. Such as, what games have the most entries? What is the distribution of games (by rating) on sales data? Which game has the most highest rating values and/or any other interesting insights you discovered? The required sections are:

  • Abstract:Summarise your report’s  Explain the purpose of the program, the
  • questionsyou wanted it to answer and your outcomes/recommendations.
  • Background:Discuss the purpose of the program and your choice of questions (see
  • examples in the paragraph above).
  • Methodology:Discuss how you went about gaining these insights from the program to answer your questions and why you chose to do it that way. Include commands, input files, and outputs – anything needed to reproduce your 
  • Results:Present the results of your analysis – include tables, plots and 
  • Conclusion and Future Work: Give conclusions and what further investigations couldbe done.
  • References:see unit outlines for styling 


  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 08th, 2023
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 199

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