Reflective Journal on Residential Construction Engineering Assignment Help
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Residential Construction
It is important therefore, that an opportunity be provided for students to reflect on what they are learning and to recognise they are building their knowledge and skills. They also need to reflect on the application of these newly developed attributes and demonstrate their capabilities so that the degree they earn is built on value and recognition of what they have achieved. The objective of the Reflection Journal is to encourage students to reflect on the content of modules and encourage them to undertake further workplace orientated learning in support of all learning materials provided by this unit and apply their new knowledge to specific situations. The Reflections Journal comprises a series of Reflection Exercises based on real-life situations about which students are required to provide solutions based on their learning. Each exercise is self-explanatory and is to be completed in the original Word document that explains the situation in the space provided
Assessment Description
This assessment is undertaken individually by reflecting on a series of Reflection Exercises and will be used to further develop the understanding by students of topics discussed in the modules. As per Assessment 1, we encourage group discussion to occur via the discussion board to expand your knowledge on the topics. Each student will prepare their own response to each exercise based on the discussions and their own research and understanding. Your Tutor is available through the Discussion Board to give advice and guide students in the process in a tutorial type system. The assessment comprises preparing responses about each of the different topics covered throughout the weeks and each student will be expected to show they understand all aspects of these topics from a construction industry point of view utilising explanatory drawings as appropriate to illustrate their solution. The topics will be based on a problem drawn from the modules.
Assessment Procedure
This assessment of Reflection Exercises (each is available under the weekly Unit Materials page) is made up of 2 submissions which will comprise written comments and drawings about the problems covered in the modules and should be written on the provided Exercise sheets sourced from Blackboard (the spaces on which can be expanded or contracted to suit your submission). The use of graph paper for drawings is encouraged.The Exercises are assessed collectively to determine the mark out of the 25% this assessment is worth. Part A is due early to allow students to use the feedback from these exercises to improve/develop their answers for the remaining exercises. It may only be 5%, but this feedback could be the most valuable feedback you receive this unit. The first 2 Reflection Exercises (weeks 2-3) are to be submitted in a single submission at the end of Week 4 (midnight Sunday) and worth 5% overall, but their value is in the feedback you receive to complete the remaining exercises. The other 6 Reflection Exercises (weeks 4 and 6-10) are to be submitted in a single submission at the end of Week 11 (midnight Sunday) and worth 20%. Please note that merely providing correct single sentence answers and basic sketches to exercise questions where applicable is not sufficient. The exercises will require correct answers that are written in paragraphs and drawn neatly in detail where applicable to demonstrate reflection. Your tutor is available to give advice and guide students on the exercises and students are strongly encouraged to post their queries and items for discussion on the Discussion Board to benefit from the entire learning experience this unit offers. All written and diagrammatic material sourced from books, journal articles and websites MUST be referenced acknowledged and any form of plagiarism will result in the appropriate actions being taken (see Unit Outline for more details). Do not copy other students work or assist by showing your work to others. Attachments Within the Unit Materials tab under the appropriate module (weeks 2-11), you will find the relevant Reflection Exercises. Any associated plans referred to in the exercises can be found in the Assessment tab under Assessment 2 details. You will find some weeks you will be required to submit drawings to complete the exercises. They will need scaling so will need to be printed at A3 to achieve the correct scale otherwise you will need to adjust your scale accordingly.
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