Report on Information Systems Project Management
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Task Summary
In Assessment 1, you developed a business case and project charter for a real-world scenario project. In this assessment, you will progress the real-world scenario project from Assessment 1 and develop a project plan for that project. You are required to answer questions related to project schedule management, cost management, resource management, risk management, communication management, and stakeholder management.
In response to the case study provided, write a consultative report focusing on the various processes in project knowledge areas, including the management of project schedule, cost, resources, risk, communication, and stakeholders.
This assessment requires you to apply various tools and techniques you have learned in managing project schedules, costs, resources, risks, communication, and stakeholders to a real-life case scenario.
Assuming the role of the project manager, you will progress the real-world scenario project from Assessment 1. You will be asked to go through a number of processes in the project knowledge areas and generate outputs including subsidiary plans of a project management plan for those processes.
This assessment provides you with an opportunity to view the various processes in managing a project and develop an appreciation of the schedule-cost-scope-risk trade-off and the importance of communication in managing stakeholders.
Please read the PRO100_Real-World-Scenario-Project.
You are required to complete the following tasks for this assessment.
Task 1 Produce Project Schedule and Cost Management Plans
Task 2 Produce a Project Resource Management Plan
Task 3 Produce a Project Risk Management Plan
Task 4 Produce a Project Stakeholder Management Plan
Task 5 Produce a Project Communication Plan
The report should use font Arial or Calibri 11 point, should be line spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading, and have page numbers on the bottom of each page. If diagrams or tables are used, due attention should be given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Diagrams must carry the appropriate captioning.
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