- Subject Code :
A client is planning a slab extension on his existing building, as highlighted in the plan below. Theoptions are limited to one-way or two-ways slab models only and the slab would sit on simplesupports. Put yourself as a construction expert to advise the client on the following to design themodel.
- Whether the floorisone-wayortwo-way?
- In which directionwouldtheloadbedistributed
- How many supportswouldberequiredfortheslabsystem?
- Types of reinforcementandtheirorientation/direction.
- What reasonable modificationontheslab'sdimensionswouldyousuggestswitchingtotheother model? The Clint would not be happy to go very far from the initial dimension ( thetolerancecouldbebetween150mm and -200mmonly)
- Whatwouldbethereinforcementarrangementintheotherslabmodel?
- For the other slab model, a universal beam would simply support the middle of the longerDrawadeflectiondiagramandshowtheregionsintensionandcompression.
- For this project in-situ concrete is needed. Imagine that you as the technician have orderedsome materials including aggregates for a project you are involved in. What would be yourconcernwhenyouseesomecrushedlimestonesintheaggregates?
- It is the date of pouring the in-situ concrete for the construction of the slab. From a technicalperspective, how placing concrete should be allowed. What action/s is/are needed beforepouringconcrete?Why?
(Hint: The answer needs to include any actions that should be taken regarding concretequalitycontrol)
- The following drawing shows the typical detail of an isolated footing in a house building intheB1exposureThefootingdimensionsare1500x1200 x600mm.The
design advised a 32MPa concrete and the N16-200 reinforcements in both directions.Addressthefollowing.Thebendinglengthforthecolumnreinforcementis16db.
- Identify therequiredconcretecoverforthereinforcement
- Concrete quantityforthisfooting
- Identify anyrequiredreinforcementsandtheirquantitythatshouldbeplacedinthe