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Saville and Holdsworth's Profile Indicator - Leadership - Management Assignment Help

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Your subordinates are not responding lately to your friendly conversation and obvious concern for their welfare. Their performance is in a tailspin.

  1. Emphasise the use of uniform procedures and the necessity for task accomplishment.
  2. Make yourself available for discussion but don't push.
  3. Talk with subordinates and then set goals. 
  4. Intentionally do not intervene.

The observable performance of your group is increasing. You have been making sure that all members are aware of their roles and standards.

  1. Engage in friendly interaction, but continue to make sure that all members are aware of their roles and standards.
  2. Take no definite action.
  3. Do what you can to make the group feel important and involved.
  4. Emphasise the importance of deadlines and tasks.

Members of your group are unable to solve a problem themselves. You have normally left them alone. Group performance and interpersonal relations have been good.

  1. Involve the group and together engage in problem-solving.
  2. Let the group work it out.
  3. Act quickly and firmly to correct and redirect.
  4. Encourage group to work on problem and be available for discussion.

You are considering a major change. Your subordinates have a fine record of accomplishment. They respect the need for change.

  1. Allow group involvement in developing the change, but don't push.
  2. Announce changes and then implement with close supervision.
  3. Allow group to formulate its own direction.
  4. Incorporate group recommendations, but you direct the change.

The performance of your group has been dropping during the last few months. Members have been unconcerned with meeting objectives. Redefining roles has helped in the past, they have continually needed reminding to have their tasks done on time.

  1. Allow group to formulate its own direction.
  2. Incorporate group recommendations, but see that objectives are met.
  3. Redefine goals and supervise carefully. .
  4. Allow group involvement in setting goals, but don't push.

You stepped into an efficiently run situation. The previous administrator ran a tight ship. You want to maintain a productive situation, but would like to begin humanising the environment.

  1. Do what you can to make the group feel important and involved.
  2. Emphasise the importance of deadlines and tasks.
  3. Intentionally do not intervene.
  4. Get group involved in decision-making, but see that objectives are met.

You are considering major changes in your organisational structure. Members of the group have made suggestions about needed change. The group has demonstrated flexibility in its day-to-day operations.

  1. Define the change and supervise carefully.
  2. Acquire group's approval on the change and allow members to organise the implementation.
  3. Be willing to make changes as recommended, but maintain control of implementation.
  4. Avoid confrontation; leave things alone.

Group performance and interpersonal relations are good. You feel somewhat unsure about your lack of direction of the group.

  1. Leave the group alone.
  2. Discuss the situation with the group and then initiate necessary changes.
  3. Take steps to direct subordinates toward working in a well-defined manner.
  4. Be careful of hurting boss-subordinate relations by being too directive.

Your superior has appointed you to head a task force that is far overdue in making requested recommendations for change. The group is not clear on its goals. Attendance at sessions has been poor. Their meetings have turned into social gatherings. Potentially, they have the talent necessary to help.

  1. Let the group work it out.
  2. Incorporate group recommendations, but see that objectives are met.
  3. Redefine goals and supervise carefully.
  4. Allow group involvement in setting goals, but don't push.

Your subordinates, usually able to take responsibility, are not responding to your recent redefining of standards.

  1. Allow group involvement in redefining standards, but don't push.
  2. Redefine standards and supervise carefully.
  3. Discuss past performances with group and then you examine the need for new practices.
  4. Continue to leave group alone.

You have been promoted to a new position; the previous supervisor was uninvolved in the affairs of the group. The group has adequately handled its tasks and direction. Group inter-relations are good.

  1. Take steps to direct subordinates toward working in a well-defined manner.
  2. Involve subordinates in decision-making and reinforce good contributions.
  3. Discuss past performances with group and then you examine the need for new practices.
  4. Continue to leave group alone.

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  • Posted on : May 14th, 2019
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