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Secure Computer Networks Assignment

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Added on: 2022-12-21 05:23:35
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  • Demonstrate an understanding of a range of protocols employed at various network layers.
  • Appreciate the significance of end-to-end security in network communication.
  • Communicate the nature and potential of threats to the security of computer networks, systems and operating systems.
  • Analyse a typical business/application for security threats, using appropriate models and leading to proposed solutions.


  • Part 1:

    You are required to develop a UDP secure socket and successfully transmit packets between two Virtual Machines. You may use any programming language you are familiar with to write the code (ex. C++, Java, Python). You MUST ensure that authentication and confidentiality services are deployed using relevant protocols at different layers, for instance TLS, SSL or IPSec.

  • Using Wireshark, a live demonstration of packets transmission should be presented or recorded, and screen shoots must clearly reflect this in the report. Make sure to capture source and destination IPs and packets of related authentication and confidentiality protocols also must be clearly reflected and captured.

    Part 2: (30%)

    Cryptography is basically classified into two major techniques, and they are cryptography and cryptanalysis. On the one hand, cryptography is the process of protecting or hiding the information through intelligent masking techniques (i.e., code the information). On the other hand, cryptanalysis investigates how the cipher text is converted into plain text and vice-versa.

    Based on Overview of Cryptography and Network Security, you are required to write a review short paper that cover, current research aspects of cryptography, objectives of cryptography in network security, Classifications of Cryptography Algorithms, Research Gaps of Cryptography and Applications of Cryptography based Network Security. The aim of this review paper is to encourage and teach students how to make and achieve a complete research cycle. The length of the paper should not cross 750 words and MUST cover and include the following.

    Note: follow template provided in Moodle assessment page Part 3:( 40%)

    Lab Report- Provide an in-depth report of the following lab using Ubuntu 20.04 of SEEDLAB

    TCP Attacks Lab

    You need to submit a detailed lab report, with screenshots, to describe what you have done and what you have observed. You also need to provide explanation to the observations that are interesting or surprising. Please also list the important code snippets followed by explanation. Simply attaching code without any explanation will not receive marks.

    You are required to implement and execute all tasks.

    Refer the link for more details from SEED Labs site https://seedsecuritylabs.org/Labs_20.04/Files/TCP_Attacks/TCP_Attacks.

    Section 3: Deliverables

      • A zipped folder named with UWE_ID that contains your work is to be submitted via Moodle as an electronic copy. The individual files should be named as follow:
        • Part1_ UWE student number
        • Part2_ UWE student number
        • Part3_ UWE student number

    • Referencing and citation should be as per UWE Harvard style. Please refer to UWE assessment offences at: https://www.uwe.ac.uk/study/academic- information/assessments/assessment-offences.
    • See the College's policy on word count.
    • See a guide to referencing.
  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 21st, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 296

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