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SIT40521 Knowledge based Assessment

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Added on: 2022-12-05 09:16:42
Order Code: 479305
Question Task Id: 0
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Provide answers to all of the questions below.

  1. List three strategies for enhancing a customers service experience.
  2. List three benefits of enhanced customer service experiences.
  3. List three principles of positive communication.
  4. List three benefits of positive communication.
  5. Explain three techniques that can be used when providing services to customers to anticipate their preferences, needs and expectations.
  6. Explain two conflict resolution techniques that can be used when providing customer service.
  7. Explain how feedback from staff and customers can be used to enhance customer service.
  8. List and describe five extras and add-ons that can be used to enhance a customers experience. Provide examples to explain your answer.
  9. Thinking about the qualification you are studying and the industry sector that you would like to work in, answer each of the following questions:
    • Describe at least three professional service standards and protocols for staff.
    • Describe at least three attitudes and attributes that you will you require to work with customers in the industry sector you have chosen.
    • Describe at least three key customer service needs and expectations in the industry.
    • Describe two types of customer loyalty programs that exist.
    • Describe how customer databases are used in this industry. List three essential features that the database should include.
  10. Choose a company you are familiar with and/or would be interested in working for. Answer each of the following questions.
      • What does the company says its response time is for providing services and resolving complaints. How does this compare to other companies?
      • Describe key features of its customer service policies and procedures.
      • Summarise its complaint handling policies and procedures.
      • Outline three promotional services offered by the company.
  11. Explain the best practice process that a company should follow for responding to the following common customer complaints:
    • incorrect pricing or quotes
    • delays or errors in providing products or services
    • misunderstanding of customer requests
    • escalated complaints or disputes
    • other team members or suppliers not providing special requests
    • misunderstandings or communication barriers
    • unmet expectations of, or problems or faults with, a service or product.
  12. Explain how the following methods can help to compensate dissatisfied customers.


  • Negotiating with suppliers on customer behalf to gain reduced rates or extra services
  • Providing some or all services free of charge or at a reduced rate.
  • Providing discount vouchers to attend at a future time or inexpensive add-on products such as small gifts.
  1. Explain why it is important to consider each of the following factors when determining compensation of dissatisfied customers:

a. Legal and regulatory requirements in relation to consumer law

b. Can the organisation actually provide the compensation?

c. Do you have the authority to resolve the complaint?

d. Policies and procedures

  1. Different cultural groups have different needs and expectations around customer service. Describe the importance of considering the cultural needs of your customers in relation to the following:modes of greeting, farewelling and conversation,body language and body gestures ,formality of language andclothing expectations for customer service staff.
  2. Explain each of the following methods of collecting feedback:
    • surveys
    • interviews
    • structured questioning
    • observation of customers
    • casual discussion
  3. Explain three communication techniques. Including the key features of each.
  4. Explain three types of communication equipment that can be used in customer service.

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : December 05th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 290

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