1.1 Aims and Objectives This study intends to describe patterns of risk factors and demographics and to identify the relationship between risk factors and HTN knowledge, treatment and control. Further, it examines the mediating effect of medicatio …
Introduction The place of birth can be considered the most important thing in the healthcare system as it determines not only the mother's but also the baby's outcomes. The significance is reinforced by growing evidence of relationships be …
Unemployment and Inflation are two important economic indicators of economic progress. First, unemployment refers to the share of the labour force without work but available for and seeking employment. The unemployment rate is calculated as a perce …
Part I: There has been a significant shift in how people work in recent years. Technological advancements, such as video-conferencing software and high-speed internet, have enabled people to work from anywhere and at any time. This, along with a …
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Background This practical project was loosely inspired by an observational study reported by Williamson and colleagues (2016, BMJ Open) that examined the possible roles of several variables in predicting the mental health of Aboriginal children …
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LATENT VARIABLE SEM AND MLM DATA ANALYSIS Question 1: Describe one benefit and one limitation of using latent variable structural equation modelling to explore the association between students socio-economic status, physical health, academi …
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Introduction The report aims to present data analysis among class XII student variables who are studying in Alex Martin School, Melbourne. The school students are of different age, height, weight and gender. The data count is 50 and report aims to …
Question 6. Based on the Levenes test, we cannot assume equal variances since we have p = 0.0014 2. The test statistic is -2.0370. We are 95% confident that the true difference in average number of items bought online between the two gro …
Hey! Confused about assignment marks. Did you try our service? Let's make a great STA10003 FOUNDATIONS OF STATISTICS ASSIGNMENT. Before that, let's learn about the topic below: The statistical ideas covered in this course are fundamental t …
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Looking for the best assignment help? Fret not! We are here to provide you with the best Basic Statistical Analysis Using the R Statistical Assessment Answers that you were looking for so long. Statistical analysis in R Assignment Sample covers th …
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Assessment Tasks Prepare a summary statistics table and discuss the central tendency and variations for all variables. Plot the dependent variable (house price), against each independent variable using scatter plot/dot function in Excel. Com …
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APPENDIX #Question 1 # calculate the probability that more than 5 resident loads arrive in the next 5 minutes lambda <- 50 # Average rate time_interval <- 0.0833 # 5 minutes in hours # Calculate the sum of probabilities for k = 0 to …
As statisticians in training, we need to learn the professionalism of interpreting data for the general public without distorting the information or adding our personal opinions into the results. It's important to be neutral, and allow the num …