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Prepare a Strategic Marketing Plan for a real company's Situation

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Added on: 2022-09-17 10:52:47
Order Code: 459913(1)
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Description / Requirements

From unit guide

How we will operationalise this

Summative Assessment Task 1 (Individual) Brief description of assessment task

Each student is to prepare a detailed strategic marketing plan based on a real company's situation.

Prepare and submit a section of the overall strategic marketing plan for the startup business. This is essentially the strategy for an area in marketing the venture.

Please include as appendix your thinking and analysis process/notes/workings when compiling your material to finish this assignment. We want to see your thinking process. These notes are not included in the word count of the assignment.

Detail of student output

There are two outputs for this assessment (see also assessment task 2). The first is a 3,500 word individually prepared, detailed, strategic marketing plan for a real world company that is prescribed by the Unit Chair. Your analysis should be as narrow and deep as possible.

This will be a smaller company with a single brand, single vision with a highly specific target market.

Your task will be to conduct a thorough analysis of the situation and then make detailed recommendations on how the firm should undertake/improve on a single aspect of marketing strategy.

Students are encouraged to take different sections of strategy so that when combined, the output of

See the company brief. This will be done as a

simulation where you will be given a base set of instructions and information. The information that guides your strategy will be updated in the trimester weeks 4, 6, 8.

Students to form teams 4 members (see assessment task 2). You will be a part of this company who is pushing to start the business.

Each team member to choose one aspect of strategy only this becomes your individual report. Choose between (you may suggest other types of marketing strategy):

  • market launch strategy (product introduction)
  • market scaling strategy (early OR late growth), identification of market and

buildout, customer recruitment, services,

the group forms a comprehensive strategic mosaic for the client company. The report will be in a business style (not an academic report, and not an essay) as if you were to send it to the board of directors of the company you have chosen to study. The second output is covered in assessment task 2.

  • product development OR process OR market segment optimisation strategy,
  • market positioning and branding strategy
  • supply chain strategy: supplier recruitment, contractor recruitment and management
  • web strategy

Team members may share some of the background analysis and research. However, you are to assume that you are the lead point person for a specific area with the other members providing a supporting role for your area. In this way, the team works like different founders would in a startup, each leading an area with the support from others, while all work together towards a common goal.

Please check other marking criteria in the rubric (to be provided).

How and when you will receive feedback on your work

Students are encouraged to seek ongoing, informal feedback on their progress from the unit chair throughout the Trimester.

You must book at least two formal consults with the unit chair during the trimester to present what you have achieved so far and to plan a way

forward. These are milestone meetings at critical

points in your project work.

The meetings can be scheduled during Weeks 3-9 inclusive. For the two formal consults at least one individual meeting Weeks 3-7 inclusive and one team/group meeting Weeks 8-9 inclusive.

Presenting your strategic plan section and supporting case analysis

Your strategic plan section and supporting case analysis should be presented in problem and solution format. The following elements need to be included in the written analysis that you submit:

Cover page: Your final work should include a cover page with the works title, your name and student number, the name and code of the unit, and the date of submission. (not included in the word count).

Executive Summary (no more than 1 page in length) and Table(s) of Contents: (not included in the word count)

Main body: The main body should provide marketing analysis and present detailed marketing strategies relevant to your strategy area. Use headings and sub-headings, figures and tables, et cetera to help explain your points and to keep your arguments concise.

  • Uploaded By : Albert
  • Posted on : September 17th, 2022
  • Downloads : 0
  • Views : 322

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