diff_months: 18

TECH1400 Database Design and Management :Case Study Analysis and Design

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Added on: 2023-04-17 05:56:26
Order Code: 488891
Question Task Id: 0

Youare required to complete the following tasks:

  1. Choose an organization that uses a relational database as part of its operations. This could be a business, government agency, non-profit organization, or another type of 
  2. Research the organization and its use of a relational database. Identify the types of data that are stored in the database, the relationships between the different data sets, and any key terminology or concepts that are relevant to the organization's use of the 
  3. Design an ERM for the organization's database, using appropriate notation and symbols to represent the data relationships and structures. Your ERM should demonstrate your understanding of the key concepts of database relationships and normalization covered in the first four weeks of the course.
  4. Write a report that explains the design choices you made in creating the ERM and how they relate to the key concepts of database relationships and normalization. Your report should be submitted in Word Document or PDF format and include the following sections:
  • Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the chosen organization and their use of relational 
  • Entity Relationship Model Design: Present your ERM design, using appropriate notation and symbols to represent the data relationships and structures. Explain the design choices you made and how they relate to the key concepts of database relationships and normalization.
  • Application in the Chosen Organisation: Analyse the organization's use of a relational database, including the types of data stored, the relationships between data sets, and any key terminology or concepts that are relevant to their use of the  Discuss how your ERM design reflects and supports the organization's use of a relational database.
  • Conclusion: Summarise the key points of your report and provide recommendations for how the organization could improve its use of a relational  A summary of your design decisions and any limitations of your database design.
  • The report should be no more than 1500 words and should include at least 8 academic sources to support your arguments. You must use KBS referencing and citation to acknowledge the sources of your 

Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment

  • Uploaded By : Katthy Wills
  • Posted on : April 17th, 2023
  • Downloads : 2
  • Views : 269

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  • Various other Data Sources – ProQuest, Informit, Scopus, Academic Search Complete, EBSCO, Exerpta Medica Database, and more